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DayMate 6.5 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — DayMate 6.5

DayMate is a versatile intuitive day planner.
$19.95 SCADUTA
User Rating: 241 7 commenti

DayMate 6.5 era disponibile come app gratuita il 17 novembre 2011!

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DayMate è un'agenda per pianificare gli impegni quotidiani versatile ed intuitiva. Si tratta di un'applicazione sviluppata professionalmente e ben disegnata che permette di creare e pianificare promemoria che poi vengono visualizzati con effetti sonori personalizzabili.Il programma permette altresì di avviare applicazioni o aprire documenti; spegnere, riavviare o mandare in stand-by il computer. DayMate può anche controllare l'arrivo di nuove e-mail, fare numeri di telefono, sincronizzare l'orario di sistema con Internet, spedire messaggi ed aprire siti Web.

Con esso potrete creare attività singole o ricorrenti, codificare vari tipi di elementi con colori diversi, impostare promemoria per impegni futuri e molto altro ancora. Il supporto alla tecnologia drag and drop permette di riprogrammare gli appuntamenti o cambiare la loro durata facilmente.

Funzioni principali:

  • Facile da usare
  • Appuntamenti a tempo, giornalieri o multi-giornalieri
  • Appuntamenti ricorrenti
  • Orologio configurabile
  • Orario annunciato da una voce umana
  • Visualizza i fusi orari di varie parti del mondo
  • Sveglie con messaggi e suoni personalizzati
  • Calendario personalizzabile
  • Backup e ripristino

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Requisiti di Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7


Crystal Office Systems



Dimensione File:

8.05 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Microsoft
Create PDF documents from printable files.
Capture and synchronize project notes and ideas.
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated

Commenti su DayMate 6.5

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Quoto completamente Gennaro (commento n°6) che ha espresso esattamente la stessa domanda che mi sono posto anch'io.
'sto Marcello non è la prima volta che mi da l'impressione di essere un po'...come dire...mah!

Rispondi   |   Popof  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

D'accordo con te Marcello. E lo dico davvero. Ma dimmi una cosa: se invece di un'espressione in napoletano ("Stevem scarz'", "Stavamo scarsi", ovvero "Ci mancava")avessi trovato: "Se hinn nò frasch hinn foeuj" (Se non sono frasche sono foglie) ovvero "siamo alle solite" in milanese avresti scritto lo stesso intervento utilizzando il tasto blocca maiuscole?

Rispondi   |   Gennaro  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

oltre ad essere trito e ritrito è un programma pessimo

Rispondi   |   Lascia un commento  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Concordo con Marcello e aggiungo "PER FORTUNA" che si parla la lingua Italiana. A risentirci alla prossima V/s offerta sicuramente come altre
volte in Italiano. Doverosi comunque ovvi complimenti a tutto il V/s
Staff !!!

Rispondi   |   ninnino  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)


Rispondi   |   Marcello  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Stevem' scarz'......

Rispondi   |   pippo  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Trito e ritrito....

Rispondi   |   lambon  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)
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Top English commenti

Installed and registered in Win7 64bit - run the install and registration as administrator.

I turned the auto check for updates off, and I turned on the Holidays for the US (Holidays are neatly set in the preferences). I selected one of the cool themes and started filling in important reminders for my schedule.

Day Mate features Outlook Import and Export, notes and alarms for scheduled events, voice chime on the hour, half, or quarter, synchronization with a choosable world time source, and lots of useful settings.

It has a reasonable footprint - my system indicates about 53MB, a bit more than an explorer window in "My Computer", but almost half as much as running the Steam client in the System Tray. Considering what it does, it's a reasonable alocation.

This one is bound to get voted down because people don't need it, or because there are freeware alternatives. Although I encourage the discussion of the freeware, this is great software and deserves acknowledgement. Just install it and check the preferences. Most freeware is not as well made. Day Mate also looks polished. It can be used as an alarm, a way to launch a program at a certain time, open a specific webpage, etc.

Regarding the price of this program, if you really want a fair comparison, consider their Crystal Office Suite, which actually includes Day Mate as one of the included tools.

Crystal Office was given away here a long while back and is one of my favorite giveaways we have ever had here. Great Quality, small footprint word processing and time management tools. Included in the suite is a • great little word processor, • this program, • an excel style program, • a WBS time management charting program and • a clipboard improvement/management tool.

Their software is great quality, and the Office Suite is worth the low price...

Rob  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+37)

I like to know about import/ export ability before I download and try it. I already have MS Outlook and PIM essential portable.

If what cnet says is true then I have no use for this program.

This is what cnet says:

Users can schedule DayMate to perform a variety of actions, including launching programs, checking e-mail, opening Web pages, and shutting down the computer. We scheduled DayMate to open iTunes at 10 a.m. and launch cnn.com at 10:04 a.m.; both went off without a hitch. Sadly, we didn't fare as well when it came to checking or sending e-mail; repeated attempts yielded no success, and the built-in Help file, while generally well done, did not offer much in the way of troubleshooting this issue. (We're not sure how useful the e-mail checking feature would have been anyway, as its maximum frequency is once a day, and we all know that's not nearly often enough.) E-mail problems aside, we were pleased with the program's features, all of which were potentially useful and functioned well.

umaxy  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+18)

Installed and activated easily on Windows 7 x64, saw no problems with the zip files as previously mentioned.The program interface is basic, but with productivity software I'm not convinced that actually matters.

In use I managed to add my to do list for today in less than 5 minutes without reading any instructions, so it's obviously simple to navigate. The first thing I noticed was the units for time were in half hour blocks which doesn't really suit telephone call planning etc. However a few clicks and it was easily changed to 10 minute intervals, which are a lot better for me.

The only gripe here is the axis labelling still shows in hours with lines in between, so you find yourself counting down the lines to get your timings correct, a few smaller time labels as reference points would be nice.

Adding tasks was really simple and you can easily copy and paste tasks to duplicate them. The feature I really liked is that instead of just being notified when it's time to perform a set task, the software can actually launch the application you need at that time. There's no better prompting than a spreadsheet opening in front of you to remind you when you have to do something. Shut-down and other options exist.

That's it for a quick run-down of setting up a day, will add more when I see how it performs throughout the day.

Ryan John  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+13)

About activation: it worked after I read #10: do NOT run program before activating it.

papin  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+10)

I don't usually go for this kind of program, but...

Win7 64 bit...if you follow the instructions in the readme file to the letter, you should not have any problems installing this (even if you have Vista). I installed the setup program first (as Admin), then ran the activation program as admin without launching Daymate. Didn't have to restart the computer or anything.

Haven't checked web functionality, but it seems to launch programs pretty well. I personally won't be using this to send e-mails and the like but this certainly looks very neat and tidy ('polished' as was mentioned by someone else earlier).

The clock is a bit of a quirky little thing. I get both analogue and digital at the same time...the notification sound is good enough without being annoying, it's all relatively simple to tweak and adjust according to personal tastes and requirements (I prefer the office 2007 black theme for example...it goes with the rest of my desktop)...

I think this is a keeper. Thanks GAOTD.

marcus  –  13 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+9)

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