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Zoner Photo Studio 17 PRO Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Zoner Photo Studio 17 PRO

L'unico programma per foto di cui avrai bisogno!
$89.00 SCADUTA
User Rating: 412 Lascia un commento

Zoner Photo Studio 17 PRO era disponibile come app gratuita il 21 marzo 2016!

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L'unico programma per foto di cui avrai bisogno. È un programma facile da usare, che contiene tutte le caratteristiche di cui hai bisogno in un unico pacchetto. Dall'importazione di foto sul tuo PC all'organizzazione di un archivio foto, all'editing, condivisione e supporto file RAW. Almeno ogni caratteristica di Zoner può essere applicato a batch di foto. Per esempio, puoi applicare una cornice a 1000 foto delle vacanze simultaneamente, ridimensionarle nella dimensione richiesta per un album di foto, facendoti risparmiare tempo.


  • Importazione: Proprio mentre stai scaricando le tue foto sul tuo PC, puoi taggarle, ruotarle per farle corrispondere con la rotazione della fotocamera (EXIF), backupparli e molto altro.;
  • Gestione: Recensisci le tue foto da 1 a 5, etichette colora, descrizioni e molto altro. Trascinale su una mappa Google Map integrata per identificare il GPS, in modo tale da sapere dove esattamente sono state scattate le tue foto anche tra qualche anno. Poi, trova qualsiasi foto di cui hai bisogno in pochi secondi, anche tra migliaia di esse;
  • Editing: Decine di funzioni di foto editing e di ritocco: taglia, ridimensiona, raddrizza, edita localmente, aggiusta esposizione e colore e molto altro. Un pannello di Quick Edits ti aiuta a riparare una foto in pochi attimi, utilizzando solo pochi slider. L'Editor offre anche decine di Filtri Rapidi creativi e altri tool creativi, come HDR, Tone Mapping, 3D, panorama, cartoon, lens flare;
  • Condivisione: Condividi direttamente da Zoner a Facebook, Flickr, e altro, compreso su Zonerama proprio di Zoner: la prima vera galleria illimitata;
  • RAW: Un modulo RAW migliorato e più veloce con elaborazione start-to-finish dei file RAW del tuo stesso DSLR, con molti benefitic pratici come RAW+JPEG stacking.

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisiti di Sistema:

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)/ Vista/ 7/ 8; Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or compatible; 1 GB RAM; Min. 350 MB free disk space; Resolution: 1024x768 and more; DirectX 9 or higher





Dimensione File:

81.4 MB



Commenti su Zoner Photo Studio 17 PRO

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Top English commenti

Dear GOTD users,

please pay more attention to reading Readme file!

There is no registration key for the program offered today!

You just need to enter your email and it gets registered.

Have a nice giveaway!
GOTD team

GOTD team  –  8 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+44)

Dear GOTD team,

thank you for your response. Believe or not, I read it carefully and indeed you're right. But only in second sentence, that we have to enter email. No one says there will be no activation code, especially when Zoner program itself have still Activation option open and active. Anyway, thanks for clarification.

Matus  –  8 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+21)

I've been using Zoner Photo studio in preference to my copy of Photoshop (the now free CS2) since we got the first giveaway Spring 2007. it's easy to use, has just about everything you need to edit, view, manage and now includes the ability to edit RAW images. I rarely use Photoshop now unless I need to do a lot of editing. I won the v15 pro version ages ago and purchased this Pro version last year and will almost certainly be upgrading to v18 soon as there are some excellent new additions to the program. Of all of the giveaways I've purchased after using them for a while (I always buy the ones i use frequently as I want the latest editions) this is my number one favorite program given away here.

Thank you Zoner for continuing to support the giveaway project, it is very much appreciated.

a massive thumbs up from me.

Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+26)


"I have been using one release or another of Photoshop since 1997 and have never found a photo program that can trump it."

I think that it depends on what you're doing... Zoner's great for what it does, stuff like organization & basic image editing, with a reasonable foot print in Windows, & is fairly fast & easy to use. Corel's PaintShop Pro does more when it comes to editing, & can be pretty reasonable if you catch it on sale for ~$30 [or less], but IMHO it doesn't compete with Zoner when it comes to ease of use, & PSP's footprint is comparatively huge.

Adobe's current solution OTOH is their photo subscription that runs $10/mo. You get Lightroom, which does the organization you find in Zoner, & very few apps can come close to Lightroom's handling of RAW files. And you get Photoshop, which if it was easy to use &/or intuitive, you wouldn't have [or need] millions of tips, tricks, & how-to pages online. That said, master the P/Shop [or GIMP] learning curve & you can do tons more -- that's just not where Zoner competes in the marketplace.

In fact, I think Zoner's main competition comes from iOS & Android apps, along with online photo storage & services, without a PC or any Windows device involved. Some cell phones have really excellent cameras, but little or no storage, so all photos get uploaded, often to a site that offers similar organizational & oftentimes editing tools.

I wanted to mention that as an intro of sorts to point out that Zoner has a free Android app - zoner[.]com/en/zoner-photo-studio-for-android

mike  –  8 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+12)

Not interested in editing software but I am VERY interested in the Zonerama unlimited, uncompressed image storage. Is the Zoner photo software offered today a time limited edition and will my stored photos disappear when the offer expires?

all4rum  –  8 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (-5)


This giveaway of Zoner Photo Studio can only be installed during the giveaway period. Once installed, it is time-unlimited. It stays active on the computer where you installed it forever.

Zoner Photo Studio does not store your photos; it is software for working with photos on your hard disks.

The free Zonerama web galleries at www.zonerama.com are something different than Zoner Photo Studio. However, you can use Zoner Photo Studio to work with these galleries - it has special tools for that. Uninstalling Zoner Photo Studio will not delete your Zonerama Galleries.

Zoner Software Customer Support  –  8 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+24)

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