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Zentimo Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Zentimo

Zentimo is a full-fledged tool to manage and save your portable drive data.
User Rating: 480 9 commenti

Zentimo era disponibile come app gratuita il 03 novembre 2010!

Oggi Giveaway of the Day
gratis oggi
Ottieni risultati dall'aspetto professionale in minuti.

Zentimo è un software per la gestione dei drive esterni. Il programma è stato disegnato per permettere agli utenti di risparmiare tempo prezioso e sfruttare al massimo tutte le potenzialità dei dispositivi USB\SATA\Firewire, come drive flash, dispositivi portatili, card reader e altri. Include tutte le funzioni utili a salvare i dati presenti nei dispositivi portatili, permette di rimuovere i dispositivi in tutta sicurezza, bloccarli e riprendere velocemente il loro utilizzo. Permette di lanciare velocemente applicazioni portabili, smontare drive di TrueCrypt, nascondere card reader nascosti e molto altro ancora.

Funzionalità principali:

  • Menu pratico e veloce per controllare i dispositivi
  • Gestione delle lettere dei drive
  • Launcher di applicazioni portatili
  • Rimozione veramente sicura dei dispositivi
  • Test attendibili sulla velocità dei drive

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Requisiti di Sistema:

Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7 (x32/x64)


Crystal Rich Ltd.



Dimensione File:

3.45 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.

Commenti su Zentimo

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Segnalo a tutti coloro che hanno avuto problemi di attivazione con WinX DVD Ripper, la pagina di Softpedia dove compare il codice di attivazione e il link per l'installer:

Rispondi   |   Jerdo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Per quanto riquarda il programma di oggi è utile come una mosca sul naso. Son anni e anni che infilo e sfilo e reinfilo pendrive e anche hard disk portatili senza manco usare rimozione sicura e mai niente mi capitò.

Rispondi   |   alexsius  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Stavolta bofolo ha ragione il winx era una schifezza sia nel programma ridotto di molte funzioni e sia perchè ha me è rimasto trial fin dall'inizio. Ma comunque poco me ne cala visto che da altri siti ho scaricato programmi simili con tutte le funzioni e completi. Anzi ve li segnalo, tricks collection, v3uk store, pc autority,gizmo. Buon divertimento anzi enjoy this.

Rispondi   |   alexsius  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Non ho capito bene l'utilità del programma. Per ciò che ha scritto jerdo
(Buonissimo software, da installare e tenere stretto.
Utilissimo per rimuovere in sicurezza le pennette usb evitando l’avviso di windows sulla rimozione impossibile poiché il dispositivo è ancora in uso.
Commento di Jerdo — novembre 3rd, 2010, 5:56 am), c'è un software eccezionale -UNLOCKER-, gratuito, che sblocca qualsiasi file sia in uso su qualsiasi hd, anche esterno. Su risorse del computer si seleziona l'hd col tasto destro, e con UNLOCKER si sblocca qualsiasi file in uso nel giro di pochi secondi (utile anche per i file che non si possono cancellare o a cui non si può cambiare nome -cosa che, volendo, fa unlocker stesso oltretutto-).
Quindi ... ha una qualche altra utilità davvero utile? Cioè ... perchè costa 35 euro?
ps. lo so che qui è gratuito, ma ... se serve solo a quello neanche così.

Rispondi   |   WRead  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Veramente un ottimo software nel suo genere...consigliato sicuramente.

ps: è anche in Italiano.

Rispondi   |   Walter  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Provato! :)
Finalmente un bel programmino ... consigliato! Quoto Jerdo.

In italiano con licenza a vita (per la versione offerta).... questa volta per davvero.
Quando vi registrate sul sito del produttore ricordatevi di scaricare (a fine registrazione) il software dal loro sito.
In questo modo potrete installarlo tutte le volte che vorrete, e su tutti i computer che vorrete (questo è scritto nella licenza d'uso)

A tal proposito non capisco perchè Gaotd ci offra una versione criptata ... visto che è lo stesso produttore ad offrirci la versione speciale per Gaotd dopo la registrazione... e che possiamo installare tutte le volte che vogliamo.

L'unica cosa di cui non dispone questa versione sono gli aggiornamenti. Ma mi sembra giusto.

"Zentimo" è l'evoluzione di "USB Safely Remove" ... visto che è dello stesso produttore e i programmi sono identici.

Però non riesco a capire perchè abbiano mantenuto in vita il sito di "USB Safely Remove".
Per essere corretti bisognerebbe togliere almeno 7$ dal prezzo di vendita di "Zentimo".
28$ (circa 20€, come è indicato il prezzo per "USB Safely Remove") sarebbe un prezzo più ragionevole.
Si tratta di una "furbizia" del produttore ? Mahh ...

Comunque pollice su!

Ciao a tutti.

Rispondi   |   bofolo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Si è avverata le richiesta di Condor (richiesta di qualche giorno fa).
Cercando di collegarmi al sito di GAOTD mi sono trovato catapultato sulla pagina di "DirectNIC" che commentava ...

"Giveawayoftheday.com This domain is expired, please renew it. Please contact us for more information."

... come è successo a tutti!

ahahahah :D ... tra il 31 Ott. e il primo Nov. ... nel giorno dei morti.
La prossima volta facciamo una colletta e compriamo noi il sito di "giveawayoftheday" ... :) ... magari ci facciamo aiutare da sua eccellenza "moltoricco" ;)

Poi ho guardato su Wikipedia ... e tra le note si legge:

NOTE -this domain expired Nov 1 / 2010 ... It's back again.

... aggiornato il 1 Novembre 2010

Grazie per il disservizio ... almeno si potrebbero riproporre tutti insieme i software che sono stati "persi" in questi giorni... non trovate ???

Ora mi scarico il programma di oggi e lo provo.

Un saluto a tutti.


x Tutti (e per alexsius)

alexsius dice:
"Signori questo è un programmone chi aveva paura di uno screen saver è stato servito. "

WinX DVD Ripper Platinum 6.0 si è rivelato invece una gran fregatura ... visto che il giorno seguente si è disattivato.

GAOTD ... ma cosa combini ????

Nel frattempo, aspettando che venga riproposto (con scuse ufficiali) ... chi volesse utilizzarlo ancora (sempre se non sia stato disinstallato) dovrà portare la data del orologio al 31 Ottobre.
Poi potrà avviarlo e usarlo con tutte le sue funzionalità.

Rispondi   |   bofolo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

USB DEVIEW http://www.nirsoft.net/

Rispondi   |   ZIO  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Buonissimo software, da installare e tenere stretto.
Utilissimo per rimuovere in sicurezza le pennette usb evitando l'avviso di windows sulla rimozione impossibile poiché il dispositivo è ancora in uso.

Rispondi   |   Jerdo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)
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Top English commenti

And here all this time I've just been plugging my USB drives in and unplugging them, copying or moving data, and everything this program appears to do, without incident. I can't seem to figure out what this does that current Windows doesn't do, besides testing drive speed...and I can do that with one of the several apps I have for testing drive speed. Why do I need this? It looks like a good candidate for freeware. Sorry for being so critical.

1. Drive Letter Management - Windows has this covered.
2. Portable App Quick Launcher - My mouse is set to single click, so I have this one covered.
3. Powerful Autorun - Windows has autorun, and I disable it. I don't want things running by themselves, unless I want them to. TrueCrypt is freeware. http://www.truecrypt.org
4. Enhanced Safe Device Removal - This hasn't really been an issue since Win98, has it?
5. Honest Drive Speed Test - Well, you can't have too many drive speed test apps, I guess.

The Grey Area  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+267)

$35 for this software - get a life!!!

Mike  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+66)

"... I know now why you were always whining about the Windows Installer."

Sorry if it seems like whining, it's well documented on-line, the reason MS came out with their "Windows Install Clean Up" app, why it became so popular & so on. Oversimplified, Windows Installer stores records of where setup files are located -- if the coder using it doesn't take an extra step or two, Windows Installer can look for those setup files when they're both unneeded & unwanted. Thus when you start an app, the familiar install dialog pops up asking for install discs etc. for an un-related app mind you, & the app like as not won't run. Why complain?... The other day a poorly designed app auto-updated, using a poorly written msi file. This broke Ofc 2007. Reinstalling it was a PITA, with registry keys protected from patch installs etc., not to mention the large number of patches that had to be downloaded & applied. That was a lot of my time wasted because someone didn't code their update properly -- IMHO something worth getting upset about. **If** the coder used something else besides Windows Installer, that would not, could not have happened, thus like many, many others I consider Windows Installer a big prob. that MS should have fixed loooong ago.

OTOH from the standpoint of checking things out I prefer msi files, as they're very easy to disassemble into the individual components. That way I can spot say a C++ runtime installer that might/might not run during testing, & can see for example what if any VB components an app might add, not just what it did add for me.

"...I’m not going to push one brand over the other... but until ATI proves to me that they can write functional drivers and perform high-quality deinterlacing, I’m sticking with nVidia."

lol... 'bout being a fan boy I mean. :-) I don't really care personally, but I'm concerned that I wrote poorly enough to give the impression I was trying to boost ATI -- I'm not. The other day when I said something about advertising CUDA but not ATI stream, that was for the benefit of any developers, as I thought (& still think) that's rather poor marketing. If nVidia (or ATI) pays or through whatever incentives encourages a game company to favor their brand, that's one thing -- the game dev is entering into an agreement eyes open. When a dev is trying to make their app more successful OTOH, does it pay to discourage 1/2 or more of any potential market? CUDA may/may not be better, easier, whatever then ATI's stream -- I'm not making a claim one way or the other -- but advertising just CUDA is a bit of a double edged sword IMHO, & wanted to make them aware of that perception.

* * *

I apologize if I offended Fubar, CompNetTeach, or anyone else... That was never my intent, nor did I ever intend to imply more than I've ever written -- I'm just not a between-the-lines sort of guy. My sincere belief is that most all articles, forums, blogs, any on-line comments are FWIW opinions, free to be accepted, critiqued, ignored, trashed, or whatever the reader feels appropriate -- I mean if getting trashed bothers you, don't post on-line because sooner or later it's gonna happen. ;-) To anyone who doesn't post on-line for that very reason, my view is that much better, smarter people than I are frequently called idiots & much worse -- such is life -- so no use worrying about it... getting trashed just puts you in great company. :-)

That said, I'm 'bout as far as you can get from being a good writer, so maybe I did somehow imply something or other that I never intended to even hint at. *Maybe* a little background would help? *Maybe* if nothing else it will correct a misperception or three? I don't claim any impressive sounding credentials, & I don't claim a job implying knowledge &/or skills [e.g."As an instructor"], partly because I don't think that means a whole lot & partly because I don't like talking about myself. I try not to have a big ego -- seriously, I don't come back to GOTD once I've posted something because I'm afraid I'd start to worry about ratings, & then I might get more concerned about writing whatever for the ratings rather than simple truths. I also might get tempted to critique &/or answer critiques, & then it can become more about personalities etc. & that's not useful to you. Maybe this will help... [As briefly as I can, begging forgiveness for being OT]

I've been at this stuff a while, 1st with mainframes -- I remember when reading keypunch cards was a useful skill. In the late '80s we bought our 1st PC [the 1 MB graphics card had to be special ordered! :-) ], I hoped it would help my wife out with or for work (it did), I started learning more [DOS, Unix, graphics, DTP, C++ etc.], was on the Internet through a local edu [before there was a World Wide Web], & started helping a few folks & businesses move to & use PCs. In decent health [weight training, aerobics etc.], I went to bed one night with a bad cold, & woke up disabled. A large part of my disability is neurological, making some things difficult, others seemingly impossible. I had to re-learn how to read, more than once... If there's anything self-serving to any of my posts, it's practice so I won't have to go through that again. Otherwise my goal since becoming disabled is to learn & continue to learn as much as I can -- new research may lead to a cure or at least treatment for my illness, & I want to get back to work.

I've had enough occasional successes over the years to feel that sharing findings, experiences, fixes, methods etc. is worth it -- call it seeking good karma or just trying to be a nice guy or whatever. I firmly believe in that sort of sharing, that it makes up part of the backbone that forms the social structure of the Internet, & besides, stuff others have posted on-line has helped me tremendously over the years, so maybe I can return the favor? At any rate, I check out the software offered on GOTD because I love software, & I'm genuinely interested personally. I check it out the way I do because I want to know the effects of installing it -- some apps are truly horrible in that respect -- & if/when possible I like to dispense with the installation routines themselves... *very* often they're just a convenience that adds to registry bloat, & often include redundant installs of things like the MS C++ runtime. Often I can get away with essentially copy/paste installs on other Windows installations &/or PCs, & sometimes I can make an app portable -- I find portable apps handy because they can be stored off-disk & run on-demand when or as needed, so if someone wants to see if an app does what they need/want, or maybe needs to use an app only once, ever, that maybe saves an awful lot of bother. Of course apps don't have to be portable, but given 2 more or less identical apps, the one that is portable is almost always better coded & more effiecient IMHO because the dev put in extra time & effort to start with.

Again, I'm hoping that might help manage perceptions -- I really am not trying to be anything other than helpful, I don't post links to any site where I personally stand anything to gain etc.

mike  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+53)

Have been using this for a while, as well as its predecesor USB Safely Remove and would not be without it. As mentioned by another poster, this utility is more stable (and offers more options) than Windows method to remove drives, it allows to scan drives for faults and defects, will also list programs that are locking the drive, stopping the safe removal of the drive, it also allows for quick reconnect of USB devices that have not been physically removed.

Support from the developers is really good, although you may need to carefully explain any issues/problems/suggestions, as English is not their first language.

BackPain  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+37)

Hum, having to pay and to have a new driver and a program constantly running in the tray just to be able to do things that Windows can do (perhaps more easily) seems overkill to me.

The speed test is not available in Windows, that's right. So what? There are many excellent free programs to test your drives speed. And anyway, is it so important to know at what speed your drive runs? Will you buy a new one just because it is faster?

The only thing that seems interesting in Zentimo is the possibility to see what applications lock the drive so you cannot remove it safely, something that the stupid guys at M$ have neglected. But again, there are free alternatives. I have the excellent Unlocker (http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/) installed on my Win7, and it does exactly that, and more. Well, you will have to right-click your drive icon and select Unlocker to see the list of the apps that are still using it, but you will have the choice of the action to take: Kill Process, Unlock and Unlock All. You can even decide to delete, rename or move the file that is locking your drive (useful in case of virus). Furthermore, Unlocker works with any file or folder, and not just with external drives. A much more powerful app IMO, compatible with x64 systems, and totally free.

r0lZ  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+33)

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