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XUS PC Lock 4.1 era disponibile come app gratuita il 03 marzo 2013!
XUS PC Lock è un’applicazione molto potente che permette di bloccare il computer. XUS PC Lock offre un modo nuovo e divertente di bloccare il computer. Prima di utilizzare XUS PC Lock, avrete bisogno di definire alcuni schemi con il mouse, dopodiché si attiverà il blocco. Dovrete quindi disegnare con il mouse lo schema disegnato in precedenza e il computer si sbloccherà. Qualsiasi altro disegno in qualsiasi altro ordine non sbloccherà il computer. XUS PC Lock può bloccare l’intero computer. Questa è l’applicazione più completa e piena di opzioni personalizzabili per bloccare i computer disponibile sul mercato.
XUS PC Lock è l’applicazione definitiva per bloccare il computer che permette di selezionare immagini personalizzate da visualizzare quando lo schermo è bloccato. XUS PC Lock può bloccare automaticamente il computer all’avvio di Windows o nei momenti di inattività. XUS PC Lock permette di impostare un allarme quando un disegno sbagliato viene inserito per un massimo di cinque volte.
Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 2008, 8 (x32/x64)
10.3 MB
Dite addio al caos sul desktop del vostro PC/notebook! Con Launcher XUS, è possibile organizzare facilmente tutte le icone del desktop per avere un aspetto ben organizzato, come non è mai stato prima. Launcher XUS è estremamente facile da usare, parsimonioso nell'uso delle risorse di sistema e permette (tra le altre cose) un accesso più veloce a qualsiasi cartella o programma. Il launcher è molto flessibile e può essere configurato / personalizzato per soddisfare le proprie esigenze in al massimo un paio di minuti. Una volta provato Launcher XUS, sarà veramente difficile farne a meno!
I sat down to review XUS PC Lock when I realized it is the exact same program as Eusing Maze Lock (with only one feature difference). However, Eusing Maze Lock is freeware while XUS PC Lock is shareware. I’m not sure which program is the original and which program is the copy.
Because of this finding, I decided not to review XUS PC Lock and reviewed Eusing Maze Lock instead. I also wrote up an analysis trying to determine which of these is original and which is the copy, which you can read at http://dottech.org/99086/windows-xus-pc-lock-is-same-program-as-eusing-maze-lock/ if you wish.
What will happen if you can't remember you lock pattern?
What happens if you can’t remember your lock pattern and lose the key of this GAOTD after a PC crash?
30 $ for a tool like this??? Come on...
* Predator (==> My Personal First Choice)
It can lock and unlock your PC, even if your Windows session is still open, with a USB Thumb Drive.
So if you need to go away from your PC for a while, the only thing you have to do is just to remove your USB drive from your machine.
In such way the keyboard and mouse are immediately disabled and the screen darkens, until you put again your USB flash drive in place.
This is definitely a clever way to lock your PC without the need to remember the password to unlock it: cool, isn't it?
This magic FREE tool can also record all security-related events in a log file, so as to let you know if intruders have ever tried to use your machine during your absence.
Other excellent FREE app to securely lock your PC are also these:
Usually people are eager to lock their PC because they don't want to share sensitive data with anyone else, is that right?
So, instead of locking your machine, how about hiding your important files in JPEG images, mp3, flv files and even into executable files (exe, msi) for FREE??
Finally there is also a cool FREE program called "Desktop Patrol", which in short prevents intruders from freely using your system as much as they like (installing third party software, connecting to open Wireless Networks, accessing to external media, Windows Registry & command prompt, saving email file attachments etc.. ), even if it's actually not locked at all: too good to be true, right? Wrong!!
Well, this may be fun for some playful natures and with a mouse, But isn't this much more a hassle to do with a touchpad of a laptop/netbook, than quickly typing a password ??!
Nothing for serious computer users I would say...
Hi Charles Mintoff,
According to the FAQ:
#1. I forgot my lock pattern. How should i do?
If you did not enable auto-lock at Windows startup in safe mode option. You can reset to the default pattern via reinstalling XUS PC Lock. If you did, We have no idea too. So you had better backup your lock pattern when you reset your lock pattern every time. You can backup your lock pattern in your flash disk or email box which you can reach it via another computer. Or print your lock pattern directly.
Per lo scopo è ben realizzato! Grazie!
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Per complicarsi la vita.......
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.......mio Dio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............
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