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ThunderSoft Video to HTML5 Converter 4.2.0 era disponibile come app gratuita il 02 aprile 2023!
ThunderSoft Video to HTML5 Converter è un convertitore professionale per la conversione di file video in HTML5. L'output supporta tutti i principali browser Web: IE, Firefox, Apple Safari, Chrome, Opera e può essere visualizzato su iPad, iPhone.ThunderSoft Studio offre un prezzo speciale (sconto del 50%) per gli utenti GAOTD per ottenere la licenza a vita di ThunderSoft Video to HTML5 Converter e molti altri software.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10/ 11
7.3 MB
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Commenti su ThunderSoft Video to HTML5 Converter 4.2.0
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Why convert video to html5
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From the controls shown on the company page, it looks like this "converter" really just generates the HTML5 tag for video and some settings. There does not appear to be any CSS or other styling options. It does look like there is some very primitive editing in that you can clip a portion from a longer video.
The command line interface is a great idea and I wish more windoze programs remember that programs don't always have to be used via a UI. The batch mode is also a great idea as most people will have more than one video they might want to display. This would allow the user to easily set the same size and other supported display options.
At first I was a little put off by the offering; after all, most people can figure out the HTML5 video tag to do what the need. After some thought, this could be a useful tool in that it can produce a consistent set of HTML tags for all your videos which can then be styled by your own CSS as you wish. While this could do more, it can speed up a novice or intermediate HTML coder's website production and thus might be an interesting utility to have around.
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