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SystemSwift 2 era disponibile come app gratuita il 30 marzo 2016!
SystemSwift imposta lo standard per PC e il programma di ottimizzazione giochi. SystemSwift rende il tuo computer istantaneamente più veloce e ripara alcuni problemi comuni assicati con rallentamenti e errori frustanti, fa uscire l'ultimissima prestazione di cui il tuo computer e i tuoi sono capaci e aumenta la velocità del tuo collegamento Internet.
Ti ricordi quando hai acceso per la prima volta il tuo nuovo computer e come funzionava in maniera veloce? Con SystemSwift e un click del tuo mouse, puoi riavere questa velocità per il tuo computer istantaneamente. SystemSwift fa una scansione veloce del tuo computer per trovare problemi comuni e ripararli, poi effettua diversi cambiamenti permanenti a Windows, in modo tale che il tuo computer ritorni ad essere nuovo ancora una volta. Non lavorare con un computer lento allungando i tempi dei task da svolgere, installa SystemSwift e fai funzionare il tuo computer più velocemente.
Windows Server 2003/ 2008/ 2012; XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
7.9 MB
Commenti su SystemSwift 2
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To register this program you are asked to visit this page,,,
There you enter your name and submit it. The key instantly appears. The install was quick and easy as was the registration process. I selected the Optimize now button. It checked my system and then began to make changes. When it was done I was told I needed to reboot my computer to make the changes take effect. However it does not tell you what these changes are. You will need to trust this program not to harm your computer wuth the changes it makes. I am no computer expert but I at least want to look over any changes made before I let them happen. Due to this lack of information I chose to uninstall the program via reboot.
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It's a very odd piece of software - complete opposite of the usual optimizer's were all used to.
No option to create a restore point, you have no idea what it is going to do, it doesn't differentiate between 32bit & 64bit systems (alarm bells - 32/64 need different settings); simply there are no options, just a single optimize button.
A real leap in the dark.
No thanks.
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The program gives absolutely no feedback to the user, no customization is possible, people have just to trust it blindly.
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A very high level of trust is required by this program, certainly a concern.
Even more concerning is the fact that the Restore function, according to the help file, restores to original factory settings, does this mean any changes you have previously made are lost?
Nowadays there are really good programs that keep your OS functioning to a high level.
They always have a proper undo function and an explanation of the changes about to be made.
This is the only type you should use, blind faith has no place in computing.
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In almost every instance, software offered here expressly excludes any updates to the version of the software downloaded on the day it is offered.
From the authors website, the software, System Swift 2, is updated frequently, which means that today's download will in every likelihood be out of date in a week or two or months time.
Given that this is a performance enhancing software then IF the update/s to this software is going to be frequent, then would the author, PGWARE, consider some latitude with today's download and include a month's free updates, for example.
As always, thanks GOTD and PGWARE.
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