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Sun Village 3D Screensaver era disponibile come app gratuita il 14 agosto 2010!
Ma che bel pomeriggio! L'estate è arrivata anche al villaggio e tutti i suoi abitanti si godono la giornata alla luce del sole. Lo screensaver Sun Village è un vero capolavoro: il bellissimo paesaggio e le rive del fiume sono estremamente realistici, così come le tante persone che si trovano nei loro dintorni. La grafica, di altissima qualità, e gli effetti avanzati che lo caratterizzano, conferiscono a questo screensaver un altissimo tasso di realismo. I tanti curatissimi effetti sonori completano l'opera.
Windows XP/Vista/7; 800MHz processor; DirectX 9.0; 16 MB video RAM
41.3 MB
Uno splendido screensaver 3D ambientato su un pianeta alieno in cui ci sono tranquilli laghi,vegetazioni esotiche e un magnifico cielo extra-terrestre: un ambiente bello quanto insolito da portare sullo schermo dei vostri PC. I colori predominanti nel paesaggio sono il verde, il blu e il viola, con luci e ombre che rendono ancora più suggestiva l'atmosfera.
Uno screensaver 3D bello e rilassante ambientato nella natura di fiori brillanti, fili d'erba ondeggianti, calabroni e coccinelle saltellanti: una scena davvero rilassante da portare sullo schermo dei vostri PC.
Assaporate il fascino dei vecchi orologi a tubi, dei nuovissimi orologi a LED e di tutto quello che c'è stato nel mezzo con questo fantastico wallpaper animato. Scegliete il vostro stile preferito o lasciate la scelta al software, godendovi la sua bellissima grafica 3D! Ideale per tutte le età!
Dimenticate la noia della routine quotidiana - volate nei cieli tersi d'Europa usando uno dei leggendari aeroplani del 20° secolo! Scaricate lo screensaver Vintage Aircraft 3D e godetevi lo spettacolo!
Trasformate il vostro desktop in una finestra su un paradiso tropicale! Caribbean Islands 3D vi offrirà un viaggio magico in un paradiso tropicale, facendovi esplorare la grande varietà della vita sottomarina e della barriera corallina.
@Lascannon 1,2: a screensaver is not there to save energy!
Whatever is on your screen (I guess you do not have an old CRT-monitor in use) an LCD-screen always uses round and about the same amount af energy. No screensaver can help that, not making the screen black or even making the sceen bright white (same energy use).
A screensaver typically has it's way when you do nothing. When you do nothing you don't need any resources. When the screensaver activates it can use all the RAM there is. So that is not a problem either.
Furthermore a screensaver can be usefull when it is part in cloudcomputing or protecting your pc with a password.
It is not used anymore (in LCD-screens or even not very old CRT-monitors) for saving your screen from screenburn, because nowadays this is no real problem anymore.
A screensaver is there for the most part (like this one) for fun, because it pleases you. It's no crime to actually enjoy your computer.
Ofcourse you can argue, when I'm not there doing anything, I'm also not there to enjoy it. Well simply be there.
And ofcource you are too busy to glare day after day at your screensaver. Wel simply don't.
I mean, when you walk away and do what you want to do it will not disturb you and when you perhapse see you screensaver when you are nearby it is just pleasing to see (for some people at least).
Enjoy your screensaver. 3Dplanesoft makes great screensavers.
Download, installation, activation and registration went off without a hitch on Windows 7, and the screensaver is cool. However, windows7 aero effect is disabled, and the 'windows color' changes to 'windows7 basic' after running it. -.-
This is 3Planesoft Sun Village 3D 1.1 build 3, an excellent screensaver and a compliment to Snow Village 3D. The 3Planesoft screensavers always have great visual quality, so-so music, and keep a log in System32 (bad location). Your satisfaction with screensavers depends entirely upon your video card and drivers. The log indicates this averages 36.9 FPS at 1920x1200 on my aging nVidia 9800 GT with latest drivers. No, this doesn't mess up Aero, etc., people complaining about that or other problems have messed-up drivers. Improvements to my security software do indicate that 3Planesoft's coding has lots of problems, often messing with memory and folders that it shouldn't, but they don't appear to do any real harm (but the coding should be fixed).
We'll get the usual mindless drivel about screensavers using your CPU, GPU, and monitor. I only use these as on-demand animations (not my screensaver), and yes, of course realtime-rendered 3D animations are going to use CPU and GPU. One thing I like about 3Planesoft is that you can get all of their current (not future) screensavers for $99. It's cheaper to buy the entire set every year or two than buy them individually.
Sun Village 3D Screensaver is a 32 bit, Direct3D screensaver -- if you don't meet the hardware requirements you get a message that there's No Hardware Accelerated D3D, that the screensaver will now exit, & that you should visit the Help page at the developers' site. During install you're given the opportunity to subscribe to their mailing list, & the option to install a screensaver mgr, but setup doesn't check to see if you meet hardware requirements -- if you're in doubt backup or at least create a Restore Point in case of problems like reported in comment #3... while I didn't see any problems it did add a theme in 7's XPMode VM [Virtual Machine].
'Far as visual quality goes, [on an AMD quad rig with ATI 4870 in 7 ult 64, 1080p screen, latest drivers etc] IMHO at the lowest quality setting it's roughly equivalent to the on-line Flash-based games. At the highest setting it's *maybe* what you'd expect to see on an older [5+ years old] D3D or OpenGL game. I don't mean that negatively, but just an objective observation -- with the Lego-like characters & static trees I didn't think it measured up to WOW (which runs on pretty modest hardware). There was also a fair amount of aliasing/artifacting, though it could *Probably* be fixed through graphics card settings, & [without any tweaking] frame rates weren't spectacular (at max quality in the higher 40's). As you'd expect with the hardware accelerated D3D requirement, it did use the GPU [graphics processor], but not a lot, while regardless the quality setting it loaded up 2 out of 4 CPU cores.
The Sun Village 3D Screensaver itself takes up ~42MB in mainly 6 files in the program's folder -- almost 100% of that is the Sun Village 3D Screensaver.exe which is the screensaver itself [If you just want to run it -- not use it as a screensaver -- just run that file (much quicker than right-clicking -> preview &/or going through the screensaver config), which during loading shows hotkeys for displaying fps, setting config. etc]. A smaller [<1MB] .scr file is put into Windows' system folder, along with Sun Village.log [which in Notepad is just a small text file with basic license terms]. Registry entries are very light, with just the screensaver's key [for path, language, & GOTD license key], plus keys for uninstall -- the screensaver key is under HKLM [Hkey_Local_Machine], meaning you probably should run setup & activation as admin to be safe in Vista/7, as otherwise that part of the registry *might* be restricted.
All in all I'm personally not a huge screensaver fan, though I do check them out in case there's one or another I really like or feel is extraordinary... this one did nothing for me, but please don't let that stop you if you like this sort of thing, but be prepared in case it won't run on a lower powered PC/laptop.
It's a beautiful screen saver. You can turn the sounds off in the settings. It's basically a small town with buildings and water in the middle, and the view is from a camera that slowly flies around over the town.
I am not downloading today's version, but I've had this screen saver 6 months now. Haven't had any problems with it and no spyware or junkware was included with it. It also doesn't mess with my Aero theme. I grabbed it from the NVidia website (free). That may be a different version and MIGHT require a NVidia video card before it works. I have a NVidia GeForce GTX 295.
x Gian e Leopoldo:
Se devo evitare che il mio schermo si rovini, lo spengo.
Non faccio girare un inutile "salvaschermo" consuma-risorse.
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Cosa volete, oggi e gratis, no?
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"Utile come un ananas con le ruote"
Carina la battuta, ma a me fanno ridere ancora di più quelli che misurano qualsiasi cosa con il metro dell'utilità...eheheheh!!!...ma a cosa vuoi che sia utile uno screensaver benedetto iddio??? uno screensaver è solo bello da guardare, come un'animazione, come un esercizio della fantasia. Tranquillo, presto gaotd ti regalerà windows 7con annessi photoshop e adobe acrobat full version, contento?
Io l'ho installato ma non mi funziona: non parte. Ma credo che si tratti di un problema della mia scheda video. Per quei pochi istanti che ho potuto vederlo, mi è parso molto ben fatto. Un tantino troppo pesantuccio forse. Chi ha già avuto modo di vederlo in funzione per almeno qualche minuto, è in grado di dire quanta memoria e quanta cpu consuma?
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è uno screensaver. non deve essere utile.
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Utile come un ananas con le ruote.
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Ti ricordo che è gratis solo per oggi, in realtà costa 10$
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Un ottimo SS,rilassante. Solo un pochino piatto,ma è gratis quindi tutto ok.
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Bello, questa volta un ottimo screensaver. Direi che mantiene tutte le promesse. Molti piani sequenza in diverse prospettive. C'è ancora qualche "piattezza", soprattutto sugli effetti d'acqua, ma non si può pretendere la luna. Per gli amanti degli ss è da avere assolutamente. Scaricare in tranquillità: mi risulta pulito, almeno a me. E buon ferragosto a tutti!
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