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Smart Disk Cleanup 2.0.1 era disponibile come app gratuita il 31 agosto 2016!
Ricevere un messaggio che dice che il tuo computer sta esaurendo lo spazio del disco potrebbe essere preoccupante, soprattutto se sei nel bel mezzo di un progetto importante. Piuttosto che uscire di corsa a comprare un nuovo computer oppure una memoria aggiuntiva, prova prima a fare una scansione con Smart Disk Cleanup. Smart Disk Cleanup identifica i file non necessari che occupano spazio sul tuo PC. I file puliti comprendono: file temporanei, file internet, file nel Cestino, log, cache, file da cestinare, vecchi aggiornamenti e punti di ripristino. È possibile pulire GB di spazio del disco in pochi minuti.
Windows XP/ 7/ 8/ 10
5.73 MB
Smart Driver Updater offere una soluzione veloce, facile e sicura per gestire e aggiornare i tuoidriver automaticamente. Il programma scansiona il tuo computer e tutti i dispositivi hardware associati ed offre una lista di tutti i driver che richiedono di essere aggiornati. Con un semplice click, Smart Driver Updater installa ogni aggiornamento sul tuo PC in maniera sicura!
Con il passare del tempo, i file residui, scorciatoie non valide e altri file inutili iniziano ad accumularsi sul tuo PC, occupando spazio del disco prezioso e intasando il tuo PC. Smart PC individua e rimuove rischi di privaci dal tuo PC aiutandoti ad assicurare che le tue informazioni private restino al sicuro.
Recuperare file mancanti o cancellati può essere complicato, potrebbe portare via del tempo e se scegli i programmi di recupero sbagliati, rischi di perdere in maniera permanente quei file. Smart Data Recovery è una soluzione facile da usare, sicura, che permette persino all'utente meno esperto to recuperare rapidamente i file mancanti.
Express Uninstaller disinstalla il programma e poi effettua una scansione profonda del tuo PC per individuare file inutili che il programma si sta lasciando dietro. Trovare e rimuovere questi file inutili libera spazio nel disco e aiuta a mantenere il tuo PC pulito ed ottimizzato.
Commenti su Smart Disk Cleanup 2.0.1
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Cleaned up my drives before installing the program with a program I trust to do it safely, Kerish Doctor.
As soon as the agreement had been accepted it installed itself on my C drive and created a start-up on opening windows.
No options were offered and no permission asked, not a good start.
Immediately on opening and without any apparent analysis it reckoned I needed to clear up about 500 MB, this included some MSI files which was a bit of a surprise, surely these are often used to uninstall programs if I'm not mistaken.
Always very wary of disk cleanup programmes as so many of them remove passwords, couple this with its apparent lack of analysis I decided to uninstall it.
I'll stick with programs I trust.
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Smart PC Cleanup installs itself in the default 32bit program folder,
I have no problem with that.
It does not clean anything when installing and remains in manual mode.
It also gives you mighty fine detailed overview of things that can be removed-that is if you want the program to do so.
But as always deselect the items you're not sure of or those you are anxious to keep anyway.
All in all not a bad program at all.. used with a bit of common sense.
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Seb, Seb you take things to personally question asked at the bottom of each post is "do you find this comment useful?
Calling people who don't agree with you names is not useful.
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Similar to CCleaner, which has been around, and updated, forever.
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Here is the problem with deleting temp files and "junk spaces", they get recreated next time you boot and by the way, many programs need the temp files to function normally.
Emptying the recycle bin will do nothing either, old windows updates and restore points are dangerous things to delete.
Conclusion, get a bigger hard drive and stop monkeying around the edges, this software will not solve the problem of shortage of disk space.
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Hi westP. :-)
Windows updates and restore points are not dangerous things to delete, otherwise windows itself shouldn't remove them like it is currently doing.
System restore points are automatically deleted (starting from the older one) when there isn't hard disk space.
Windows updates installers or downloaded files could be removed through the dism tool (if I'm not wrong): windows shouldn't allow this if it is dangerous (instead it allows it).
Installed updates will remain installed, you won't be able to remove them (if you need to).
Conclusion: you'll save some hundreds or thousands of MB.
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