Ogni giorno offriamo programmi GRATUITI che altrimenti dovresti comprare!
NotePro 3.85 era disponibile come app gratuita il 11 novembre 2011!
NotePro è un programma multi-documento pensato per sostituire il classico WordPad e il Blocco Note di Windows. Supporta la formattazione rich-text, l'inserimento di URL, il correttore ortografico e la funzione di minimizzazione nell'area di notifica. Altre funzioni includono: calcolatrice, tabelle e segnalibri. Dopo averlo provato, non userete mai più WordPad!
NotePro ha un'interfaccia pulita e bella da vedere che posiziona quasi tutte le opzioni disponibili in un'unica barra degli strumenti. NotePro supporta i file di testo semplici ma crea e salva anche file in Rich Text Format, Word, Windows Write, e file HTML usati da Microsoft Word e altri word-processor. Permette di aprire più documenti contemporaneamente.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
9.82 MB
Maple Professional è il fiore all’occhiello dei software per la gestione con struttura ad albero per utenti esperti. Include tutte le funzionalità di Maple, più alcuni comandi avanzati interessanti per l'utenza professionale.
NotePro is very advanced compared to MS Notepad and WordPad. It has a lot of funcions similar to MS Word. If you have Word installed, I don't see why you should have NotePro as well. When I use MS Notepad it's because it opens very quickly, and it can be used to remove formatation from a text. NotePro opens slower than MS Word on my system, and after all it does lack many features compared with Word. One nifty thing, however, is that NotePro's built-in calculater can copy the calculation result to the page with just one click.
For people who have not installed MS Word this is a very good offer, even if you have to buy it, as the price seems right for such a nice product.
Thanks to Crystal Office Systems and GOTD.
Easily installed and activated.
It is excellent (for my use of it as a text editor with built-in spellcheck).
I am using have MsWord as word processor and EditpadLite & NotePad++ as text editors.
MsWord remains the main word processing software. MsWord had a head start many years or even decades ago and many people already have bought it. They have learned how to use MsWord and may not want to re-learn another word processing software.
NotePro can function as an excellent text editor with built-in spellcheck.
Someone asked to compare with Notepad++.
Notepad++ is good but requires a complicated process of adding an external party spellchecker in the form of ASpell.
Notepad++ is a source code editor and supports C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript, RC file, makefile, nfo, doxygen, ini file, batch file, ASP, VB/VBS, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python, Lua, Unix Shell Script, Fortran, NSIS and Flash action script. It recognises many programming languages, and will automatically make your program code easier to view by automatically colour coding the text.
For those seeking freeware text editors, check out EditPad Lite (does not have built-in spell check) and TotalEdit (has built-in spellcheck).
This is a keeper! I have MS Word, OO, Lotus Symphony, Word Pad, and my favorite Lotus Word Pro.
I use all because I have international clients who do not all adhere to lock step with Microsoft!
This has features that are easily accessible when compared to MS Word, for example, you don't need to change big icon bars to change from a font tool bar to a table tool bar. Easy access to formatting fnts, page layout are all right there. - WOW - for example having 2 (or more) docs open and divide the screen top and bottom or left right and even cascading docs(something I like that is easy to access in Wordpro) but not easily accessible in Word)makes comparison or merging a real powerful tool.
Far superior to notepad this has formatting tools and even some 'save as' formatting that are very powerful.
This is a good replacement for MS Word if you don't use the advanced features of word like collaboration. Though MS Word has many powerful tools they have chosen to make theirs hard to use. Bookmarking and power fields, scripting don't exist in this either. Power formatting and style sheets are not available.
But it is a hell of a light weight note pad. It has the core features necessary for most daily trivial tasks, and it is easy!
I have only tried it for under an hour and feel it is a keeper. I have been a print publisher in the past and know how to use advanced features like multi document collation, cross document linking and creating document divisions and sections, table of authority and footnoting. But don't use them daily. The features in NotePro are essential for a entry level product. This opportunity exists because MS has not ever improved their note pad as there is no decent competition for their word product.
Thanks to GTOTD and Crystaloffice. I hope this continues and would be privileged to collaborate on a full function feature product. That would include scripting formatting, collaboration and power tools.
This product is a great entry product!
Looks impressive, and has more than sufficient options for editing, it misses all the functions in Word you don't use anyway.. Additional languages (like Dutch, Russian, Finnish, Spanish, Portuguese, UK English, German, french, etc., medical and techical dictionary) can be downloaded from webpage. Thank you.
Installs and runs ok on XP+SP3.
The default dictionary is American English; others can be installed by going to online help http://www.crystaloffice.com/help/notepro/index.html and within Using NotePro > Preferences > Spelling Settings you will find the link for downloading the Spelling Pack.
Installato e funziona bene. Ma naturalmente è in inglese e quindi lo spelling check funziona solo se si scrive in inglese. Per il resto va bene.
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Grazie per l'aiuto
cambio il mio voto con un pollice SU
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Claudio per attivare il programma prima lo installi lasciandolo aperto dopo apri activate e alla fine riavvi il programma ed il gioco è fatto
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Stavolta "diamo a cesare quel che è di cesare" buon programmino pollice su
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anche stavolta la solita risposta : key is invalid.
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