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Moon Light Animated Wallpaper era disponibile come app gratuita il 26 febbraio 2011!
Questo wallpaper animato trasforma lo sfondo del vostro desktop in un bel cielo di notte con la luna che spicca dietro le nuvole in movimento.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
2.26 MB
Animated Wallpaper Maker è una soluzione all-in-one per personalizzare lo sfondo del desktop con bellissimi effetti di animazione. Il programma integra un editor che vi permetterà di aggiungere delle animazioni ai classici wallpaper di Windows (supporta tutti i più comuni formati di immagini) e un player che sostituisce la classica finestra dello sfondo di Windows con un'immagine animata. L'animazione dello sfondo richiede pochissime risorse hardware e può essere disabilitata/abilitata quando si vuole.
Molti software per la creazione di screensaver, permettono di creare solo degli slideshow e di usare animazioni preconfezionate. Animated Screensaver Maker, invece, potrete creare le vostre animazioni da zero. Ad esempio, potrete aggiungere effetti meteo, trasformare le foto in un mondo sottomarino con pesci che sguazzano qua e la, e creare bellissimi sfondi marini.
Impostate un acquario virtuale animato come sfondo del vostro desktop.
Riempite il vostro desktop con un bell'effetto digitale in stile Matrix. Il famoso sfondo della serie cinematografica darà un pizzico di mistero al vostro desktop.
Win XP SP3
Not compatible with "Alt Desk" insists on showing on all desktops. Also unable to move or do anything with desktop icons whilst activated. Graphics not that good. A total waste of time.
Installed on Win7 x64 ok. Does not work well with dual screens, seems to try and stretch across both screens and there is no setting for it. If it is set to a single monitor, the stretch doesn't look too bad at 1080p. It has very limited settings. Can't adjust the amount of stars or clouds or even the speed of the clouds or the darkness of the night sky. The edges of the clouds also look a little pixelated.
Cannot access the nVidia control panel from the context menu on the desktop when it is running, had to manually run it from the installation directory. Also, tried to right click on computer and go to manage, but get an error, "moon2_full.exe Application not found" when it is running. Can bring up mmc manually.
For the quality, not worth the inconveniences with the nVidia control panel and the error with MMC and there may even be others I didn't find.
The moon doesn't look right when I stretch background image to fit my 1366 x 768 wide screen. Don't like the black background on the left and right side when I don't stretch it. Would have been better if wallpaper was available in wide screen mode.
I liked the idea of this program and probably would have kept it if it had worked properly and displayed well on a wide screen.
I thought it would have the option to set it like a screen saver, coming on only when a normal screen saver would come on.
When it was on and I had my desktop icons displaying, the cloud movement was jerky. I also learned the when I set it to not display the icons and then shut it off, my icons continued to remain hidden. I had to restart the program to make my desktop icons display again.
It fell way below my expectations, so I have uninstalled it.
I have a Dell with Windows XP Home Edition SP 3 and 1.25 gig RAM, Intel Pentium 4, and I installed it. But when I went to run it, a message popped up "Switching to the reference rasterizer. a software device that implements the entire Direct3D feature set, but will run very slowly." Then I clicked on the button to remove the message and a second message appeared saying "Failed creating the Direct3D device."
Guess I have to stick to same old stationary wallpapers.
Questo Wallpaper permette di visualizzare le icone sul Desktop, ma non d’interagirci. Poiché non tengo icone sul Desktop, ieri avevo installato un nuovo programma e volevo cancellarne l’icona. Invece c’erano le nuvole che impedivano l’eliminazione.
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