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MetaProducts Inquiry Standard Edition era disponibile come app gratuita il 30 ottobre 2009!
MetaProducts Inquiry rende la ricerca di materiale su Internet un gioco da ragazzi! Consente di collezionare, organizzare e visualizzare informazioni dal Web in base alle preferenze dell'utente, in maniera facile e veloce. Inquiry conserva vari file dal Web: pagine (es: guide su come aggiornare i server emule), testi e immagini selezionati, clip in Shockwave/Flash e molto altro. E' capace di importare documenti dai preferiti del vostro browser ed esportarli in formati da condividere con amici e colleghi. Dimenticate le noiose schermate di apertura dei file. Basta un semplice click per salvare le pagine Web visualizzate, e lo stesso discorso vale per le immagini e i testi selezionati. Inquiry salva le pagine Web molto più velocemente della procedura classica integrata in Internet Explorer.
Si tratta di un'applicazione per Windows, integrata completamente con Microsoft Internet Explorer e disponibile come programma standalone. Inquiry è richiamabile dal menu contestuale dei browser Mozilla, Netscape, FireFox, Maxthon ed Opera.
Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
4.27 MB
MetaProducts Offline Explorer Pro è un'applicazione per Windows che consente di visualizzare e modificare in modalità non in linea un numero infinito di siti Web, HTTPS ed FTP. Supporta il download di file multimediali in streaming RTSP, PNM ed MMS.
Flash and Media Capture è un componente aggiuntivo per MS Internet Explorer che aggiunge una simpatica toolbar al browser. Consente di salvare immagini, video in flash (da YouTube.com ed altri siti di condivisione video) ed applicazioni in Flash in qualsiasi cartella si desideri.
Picture Downloader è lo strumento perfetto per ricercare, visualizzare, scaricare e gestire i file multimediali (immagini, video e audio) presenti sul Web. L'ideale per artisti digitali, designer, fotografi, webmaster, giornalisti e tutte le persone che hanno la necessità di scaricare una gran quantità di immagini. Consente di effettuare download di massa e fa risparmiare le perdite di tempo dovute al salvataggio delle singole immagini.
Mass Downloader è un download manager per Windows che consente di scaricare i file video/audio in streaming alla massima velocità. Supporta il ripristino dei download ed usufruisce della tecnologia multi-canale per velocizzare incredibilmente gli scaricamenti.
* Smooth download/installation/activation on Vista HP x64 SP2 OS.
* Smooth program access without using Administrator Mode.
* Attractive, clear, easy-to-understand, easy-to-navigate GUI.
* Supports IE, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, Maxthon 2, netscape browsers.
* Allows folder to be sorted by: name, date, URLL, none, descending.
* Allows folder to be viewed by: thumbnails, text, thumbnails & text.
* Allows viewing of toolbars in following modes: standard, browser, customized.
* Supports 11 languages: Arabic, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Turkish.
* Can save pages to: "saved pages" folder, user-designated folder.
* Can save images and flash files.
* Can import: favorites, folders with pages from disk, files from disk.
* Can export to: HTML Help file, HTML file, MHT archive, compressed "exe" viewer, metadata to XML, XBEL, extract all pics.
* supports: drag-and-drop, right-click context menu to save pages.
* smooth program operation.
* numerous options choices to give user flexibility in determining program feature settings.
* Installation process took a little while to process. Appeared to hang/freeze a bit. Was this unique to my system? Maybe, but not sure.
* No direct contact information listed in program - though clicking on support links takes user to website and/or e-mail program for contact communication.
* Program processes and choices can be a bit overwhelming for first-time (novice)users.
SUMMARY: - Program is easy to install, operate and is very useful, as nowadays everybody uses the internet and has a need to save browser pages for sharing with others. A definite keeper for me. Thanks, GOTD and MetaProducts.
This is an interesting product with lots of features, and I think it's worth installing while it's free, but personally I wouldn't pay for it. The biggest problem is that it's going up against IE's MHTML export abilities, which have been around for many years, and Windows Search 4's search and Explorer preview abilities (and Windows Explorer thumbnails). It's also going up against more versatile proprietary-database products like Evernote. Microsoft's solutions do have their problems. MHTML export can fail, doesn't export the original URL, and the MHTML iFilter is defective. UnMHT for Firefox and other browsers is better than IE's MHTML export (there's no reason why UnMHT couldn't support IE). MetaProducts Inquiry has numerous features, but some of them don't seem very useful. Saving Flash files isn't something I normally need to do. Saving Images could be useful in rare cases for saving multiple images at once, although webpage images are frequently just thumbnails, and better solutions are available to save the originals. MetaProducts Inquiry can export from its database as well as saving the current webpage directly to MHTML (and other formats), but again, UnMHT is better. The ability to automatically save while browsing could be useful occasionally, but I prefer to select which pages and fix unavailable titles manually. If I merely need to track what I've been browsing recently, IE's History by Order Visited Today, and TimeSnapper Pro have me covered. If you like all-in-one products with proprietary databases, this is good, but again, there are several products which do much more, like Evernote.
On the face of it this program would appear to have very similar functionality to the freeware Canaware Netnotes http://www.canaware.com/default.aspx?page=b26f1a87-b934-4a94-ba4a-a317c78c9eb5&pagenum=1
With Canaware you can similarily;
Save pages via a right click context menu entry in IE and Firefox.
Edit saved pages
Canaware can also be used as a conventional tree based note taking program - maybe it is there in Inquiry but I have not found it yet.
Another excellent research tool to save/edit/cite web pages is the firefox add-on Zotero http://www.zotero.org/
(firefox only I'm afraid)
Vista and higher users should right-click Activate and Run as Administrator. Use the About box under the Help menu to check registration. I have comments, but I have something else to do right now so I'll post them later.
When you open the "About Metaproducts Inquiry" under the help tab it initially tells you that you are on day 1 of a 30 day trial.
Closedown and restart the program and this statement disappears.
I assume that further registration of any sort is not required.
Anno Del Signore 2009, ottobre 30, venerdì
Ciao a tutti, il programma di oggi sembra interessante e lo scarico, ciao! :)
NOTA: Qualche giorno fa ho acquistato sul Web la versione home di Autoplay Menu Designer, che era un GAOTD di qualche settimana fa! :D
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il programma è disponibile per $29.95.... inizio a credere che siano numeri messi a caso...
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