Ogni giorno offriamo programmi GRATUITI che altrimenti dovresti comprare!
K-ML 4.8 era disponibile come app gratuita il 13 luglio 2013!
K-ML è un manager di mailing list e newsletter che rende più facile effettuare il marketing online. Con K-ML, si possono gestire facilmente grandi liste di contatti o clienti e inviare loro messaggi personalizzati adatti al proprio profilo. K-ML supporta messaggi HTML con immagini e suoni, allegati, livelli di priorità ed altro ancora. Può essere anche incorporato all'interno di un sito Web per sottoscrivere abbonamenti (richiede PHP).
Windows 95, NT, 2000, XP (x32/x64), 98, ME, Server 2003 (x32/x64), Vista, 7
11.3 MB
SUMo, cha sta per Software Update Monitor. Grazie a SUMo, potrete mantenere il vostro PC sempre aggiornato scaricamento le versioni più recenti dei vostri programmi preferiti! A differenza della funzione di aggiornamento integrata in molti di essi, SUMo vi avverte che le nuove versioni dei programmi sono disponibili prima che avviate questi ultimi.
KCleaner è stato progettato per essere uno dei programmi più efficienti per pulire l'hard disk e tracciare ogni byte inutile, in modo da liberare tutte le risorse possibili e dedicarle a documenti, musica, foto, film, ecc. È il primo nel suo genere ed integra una modalità di funzionamento completamente automatica che funziona in background, in questo modo non bisogna preoccuparsi di avviarla manualmente.
VideoInspector è un programma progettato per fornire il maggior numero di informazioni possibili sui file video. Con VideoInspector potrete scoprire perché il vostro video sembra non avere audio o perché non viene riprodotto correttamente sul PC.
Zer0 è un programma user friendly per la cancellazione dei file in maniera sicura. Con Zer0, potrete cancellare i vostri file evitando che questi ultimi possano essere recuperati da altre persone. Nessuno è ancora riuscito a trovare un modo per recuperare i file cancellati con Zer0.
Commenti su K-ML 4.8
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Despite its ridiculous and once again misleading USER RATING system, this GAOTD is a good program since it enables you to manage an unlimited number of subscribers and mailing lists, a feature which is not easy to find in almost any other FREE alternative out there.
So if you don't need a tool like this just DO NOT RATE ==> DAMN!
I said "almost" because....well...
* 1and1 Mail (==> My Personal First Choice)
Superb FREE email marketing software enabling users to send emails to a massive amount of email addresses, as well as manage email contacts and design newsletters with ease.
It sports an impressive array of advanced functions which cannot be found elsewhere, such as the "Auto IP Switcher" tool that changes your IP address automatically, based on your email service providers, so that you can send more emails out per day with no hassle, since your email accounts will never be blacklisted by any email service providers out there.
Moreover its "Random time lags" feature allows you to mimic manual sending, so as to reduce (almost to ZERO) the risk to get blocked or blacklisted by your email service providers, because your ISP see your email campaign as if it was carried out individually and manually by a real person rather than by a bot!!!
Cool, isn't it? LOL!!
Other great KEY FEATURES offered by this amazing program are also the following ones:
· WYSIWYG offers speed and ease of use to email newsletter building. It allows you to design your newsletters using a What You See Is What You Get interface - somewhat like a wordprocessor where you can see what your page will look like (mostly) as you type.
Email Personalization:
· You can send out personalized messages to your customers in email subject, salutation and email body. As research shows, personalization of emails can significantly boost the open rate and response rate of the email campaign. That's exactly what you want, isn't it?
Contact Management:
· 1and1Mail allows you to create unlimited groups of contacts in the address book. You can import email contacts from external files (.CSV, .TXT) and also export the contacts. You can also customize fields in the address book to meet your business needs.
Free SMTP Delivery:
· The biggest advantage of on-premises email marketing software is that there is no charge per message sent. With a reasonable amount of investment, your can continuously grow your business through mass email compaigns.
Schedule and Timing:
· The biggest disadvantage of on-premises email marketing software is that you may run into trouble of spamming and get banned by your ISP. We never deny the truth! However, by setting suitable values of schedule and sending frequency to your email campaigns, 1and1Mail is able to delivery your mails to your customers' inbox safely and accurately. Email campaign scheduling and timing is even available in 1and1Mail Free Edition! In the long run, we help you to save more money, compared with SaaS solution.
Multi-threaded Sending:
· The multi-threaded mode of 1and1Mail allows multiple connections to mail servers. It can significantly increase the delivery speed by sending out different email campaigns at the same time without lowering the Inbox Placement Rate.
* BitFaster Express
Amazingly powerful and easy-to-use Contact Management, Email Marketing and SMS Marketing software to create, manage, send, track and analyze your marketing campaigns. With this magic FREE tool you are able to send highly targeted and personalized Email and even SMS Campaigns, a feature missing even in most professional and expensive similar software like today's giveaway.
Thanks to "BitFaster Online" addon, users can also know who has seen their Email Campaign so as to avoid sending duplicate messages to their contacts.
And most important, there is no way of being labeled as a "spammer", since CC and/or BCC are not allowed: cool, isn't it?
The only restriction of the FREE version is that you can send out up to 250 messages per campaign.
Key Features:
- Built-in database to manage unlimited Groups and organize Contacts under Groups
- Capture data for over 45 fields (First Name, Last Name etc) of every Contact for personalized Email and/or SMS Campaigns
- Automate Subscribe/Unsubscribe requests
- Unicode support (supports almost any international characters including Arabic) and A/B Split Subject Testing
- Personalize every Email/SMS message sent by applying multiple filters (by Group, Job Title, Nationality, Gender etc) in order to target a Campaign (65 System Variables supported)
- Use Dynamic Content in your Campaigns (one campaign, multiple versions)
- Connect to any third party SMS Gateway that supports HTTP/S protocol to send SMSs
- Import Contacts from Microsoft Outlook as well as see your Appointments and Tasks
- Integrate with Google Maps
- Support for Dynamic Attachment (E.g.: send out monthly statements to customers)
- Built-in HTML Editor
- Customize your Dashboard using HTML
- Track and Measure the Success of any Email Campaigns by generating critical reports such as “Campaign Seen By/Not Seen”, Hourly Click Trends etc...
- Get notified by Email or SMS once a campaign is complete
- Customize your Report formats
Question to the developer of this GAOTD: why the hell the above FREEWARE TOOLS sport such advanced features, whereas your software (worth a whopping 50 buck...what? Are you kidding me dude?) does NOT?
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This is the first line of the description:
K-ML is a mailing list / newsletter manager.
Terms and conditions
3) Strictly personal usage.
I was wondering how many people do personal mailing lists and/or newsletters?
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Thanks for the giveaway but I do have a couple of questions and a comment or two.
1. Is this free giveaway the same as the free giveaway that you will find on their website?
2. if it is different, how is it different and how is it different from the paid application? i.e. the free version on the website limits the number of emails that can be sent to 30 - does this limit the user to 30?
3. How is this program similar or different from AWeber or other membership mailing programs?
To all of you that vote negative only because you have no use for the program:
Your negative vote for that reason only goes to show how stupid and ill willed people like you are. You care nothing about trying to critic the program in a manner that will help the developer improve the product. Remember, that's why this site was created. In exchange for the free product the users would evaluate it and share their findings. Everybody wins. Oh, but not you. Your only concern is about you. If everybody that uses this site begins to act like you, soon people like you will drive developers away from this site and people that have worked hard to make this site the success that it is will be left with nothing but people like you. AND it should be obvious people like you can't build anything - you can only destroy.
To the GAOTD monitors and developers:
Remove the voting for or against ability form the site. It's not being used for what it was intended anyway: it adds nothing beneficial to the conversation.
Since you're being paid to monitor the site - Monitor it. Make sure the comments refer to the technical aspects of the program and its uses. Help the product developer develop a better product.
And Finally to those that vote against a program only because they have no use for the application:
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User ratings are for evaluating software programs. Whether or not you personally need to use the program or not is useless information. Put that on your Facebook page if you must.
Personally I would like to see less of some software categories too, but since GOTD has such a diverse group of visitors to their site they need to provide for all tastes.
Keep up the great work GOTD.
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#19 ozziesmate ...For all the people complaining about negative (or positive) voting, it is a user vote, I am a user, and I don’t like/need it and don’t want this sort of software in the future so I vote negatively...
No. If you don't want it, you aren't a user. Why on earth would you vote on something you don't want? Just don't vote.
As constantly pointed out by Giovanni and others here, it skews the voting and therefore provides a misleading impression.
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