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DTweak Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — DTweak

DTweak optimizes the performance of your Windows Vista, solves problems and helps you to customize your system.
$29.95 SCADUTA
User Rating: 0 7 commenti

DTweak era disponibile come app gratuita il 20 settembre 2010!

Oggi Giveaway of the Day
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Crea una varietà infinita di ogni tipo di albero.

Ottimizza una miriade di impostazioni di Windows Vista e ne aumenta le performance. DTweak ottimizza le prestazioni di Windows Vista, risolve i problemi e permette di personalizzare a fondo il sistema.

Con DTweak potrete:

  • deframmenta disco e registro
  • pulisce hard disk e registro di sistema
  • aumenta le performance del computer
  • monitora lo stato e le performance degli hard disk
  • ottimizza e aumenta la velocità di Windows Vista senza modificare il registro o registrare file INI manualmente!

Su Windows XP o Windows 7 DTweak funziona in modalità compatibile. Per ottimizzare le prestazioni di questi sistemi sono consigliati, rispettivamente, XTweak e 7Tweak.

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Requisiti di Sistema:

Windows 2003/ XP/ Vista/ 7





Dimensione File:

7.70 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by OmicronLab
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries

Commenti su DTweak

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E' troppo caro, ci sono prodotti analoghi freeware.

Rispondi   |   Franco  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Bastava leggere sul sito che il sofware si può installare anche su xp solo che non tutte le funzioni sono disponibili.

Rispondi   |   danieleg  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Daoisoft mi lascia perplesso con questo giveaway...
Offrono il programma esclusivamenet agli utenti Windows Vista.
Fin qui bene(almeno quelli di "7"e xp non si rovinano-lol)ma come mai?
Il mio riferimento e' indirizzato alla strategia e non alla qualita'(discutibile)del software in questione.
E' risaputo che Vista e' il sistema operativo Windows piu' criticato(a torto o a ragione nn saprei).Io avevo Vista su questo laptop..e un software come questo di oggi me lo ha spedito in crash(allora ne ho approfittato per installare Win 7 Ultimate.Mio figlio ha il Vista Basic e nn ha nessun problema,SO stabile e perfetto il suo.
Comunque sia..W.Vista credo abbia avuto dei problemi in piu' rispetto agli altri SO...Ma mi chiedo:Perche' solo Vista?
Un paio dis settimane fa qui c"e' stato un giveaway di un "software engineer"che fa questo per sfamare la sua famiglia.Lui oltre ad offrire il programma 2010 offriva anche la possibilita' di usufruire del Beta 2011...niente male per un singolo padre di famiglia..vero?
E se lo puo' fare lui perche' non puo' farlo una compagnia?E perche' queste restrizioni?
Ma cari signori..ogni medaglia ha due lati e non tutte le cose negative vengono x nuocere....Meglio cosi'...cosi' la percentuale di persone meno esperte che si autodanneggerebbe diminuisce esponenzialmente,visto che 7 e Xp sono al "riparo".
Ancora una volta,consiglio caldamente a tutti di mettere la freccia e
Sorpassarlo questo programma...discutibile e pieno di review negativi.

Rispondi   |   Condor  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Altro software da EVITARE.
Advance System Care-Iobit-(anche la versione free)e' il miglior programma a livello mondiale e lo raccomando vivamente a chiunque sia interessato a un software del genere.Io lo uso da tempo e il mio laptop ha le stesse performance del primissimo giorno.
@don-Se dovessi affacciarti oggi...non lo fare!!Hai poi risolto il problema delle porte usb?
Ho avuto diverse testimoninaze di persone che hanno deciso affidare compiti delicati e vitali quali pulizia e deframmentazione registro a programmi come questo di oggi...per poi pentirsi in modo amaro.
Io stesso quando ero inesperto ho commesso lo stesso errore...rimettendoci in denaro e nervi...Il prezzo?7 volte superiore quello che avrei speso per comprare un software di livello(che tra l"altro con un po' di impegno si possono trovare anche in "offerta").
Al posto di questo andate sul sito A-Shampoo che stanno praticamente dando via A-Shampoo WinOptimizer 6...pur trattandosi della versione precedente quella piu' aggiornata e' comunque almeno una spanna superiore a pseudoprogrammini come quello di oggi che fanno piu' danni che bene.

Rispondi   |   Condor  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Mah, vedendo gli screenshot sul sito mi sembra solo che raccolga le varie opzioni del sistema operativo. Può essere utile per gli utenti più inesperti. Inoltre ci sono miriadi di alternative free.

Rispondi   |   danieleg  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Direi ottimo per chi ha suo malgrado VISTA nel Portatile e non sa cos'è il DUAL BOOT o come creare un PC virtuale nel PC con XP come Sistema Operativo.

Per chi invece ste cose le conosce direi che il programma di oggi serve a poco creando VISTA non pochi problemi a chi è costretto ad usarlo perché se l'è trovato nel portatile.

Comunque grazie lo stesso!!!!!

Rispondi   |   lillo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Non ho s-vista..........passo!!!!!

Rispondi   |   Hptm.Mayr  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)
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Top English commenti

Note - I am running DTweak on Windows7 with Vista Compatibility settings. I won't confirm if these issues exist under Vista - because I refuse to run Vista.

As I am not running this on Vista - I have restricted my comments to points I believe are not specific to the Operating system, but that will be present in DTweak when running on XP, Vista and 7.

1. System Restore point - DTweak says it is over 14 days since one was created. The most recent restore point was earlier this morning.

2. Registry Cleaner - Interface is very unfriendly if you are a user who is concerned with "the details". Having to hover and read the tool-tip is very bad design - and I felt like I was being drip fed the information that I wanted - and even then it didn't answer my questions as to why DTweak thought each key was "bad". If I right click on each item - there is an option to open regedit at that key. Except it didn't work.

For my purposes - I'd rather being able to select a category - such as "file types and extensions" and have a generated reg file of those "invalid" registry keys and the tree beneath - into notepad - as a .reg file. At a glance - I could then see all of the respective keys that would be affected by a clean and could make a more informed decision.

I'd warn against users trying a registry clean using DTweak - because at least based on my system many of the keys suggested as being "invalid" were not only valid, but necessary.

The menu item to "Backup Registry" - places the backup (without prompting) in C:\User\BuBBy\AppData\Roaming\Daoisoft\Dtweak\Backup2010_9_20_0.reg

However when selecting to restore a backup - It opens an explorer window to "My Documents" - good luck finding that backup if you weren't paying attention where it was hidden when it was created...

Also trying to just run the .reg file of the Registry backup- will result in an error that certain registry keys were in use and the restore couldn't complete. Much better to back up just the keys that the registry cleaner is cleaning. The files are smaller, more manageable and (the most important part) when it comes to restoring your registry - being able to restore a single key/tree in the registry is realistic - trying to restore your entire windows registry database, to correct half a dozen key values, is only asking to create more problems than you hope to fix (perhaps hours after you nuked it, before noticing "Houston, we have a problem"). Other applications are constantly writing to the registry and many other settings for these programs that are unrelated to the original problem, may now have their own issues.

The one click "Delete" next to each section there is no prompt or undo. It is too easy to click on Delete - when you meant to click on show, as you work your way down the list. Again - simple to code and a big lifesaver - move the deleted values to a reg file - and change the delete prompt to an "Undo" prompt. It only has to save you once...

The user interface, I am not a fan of. Some people like "unique" but I'd prefer that it had standard minimize, maximize, close buttons, (Buttons - instead of clicking on words... it's not a web page) window resize, and use standard windows colors (set from the control panel) - not everybody likes these colors, not everyone will find the text readable. If the look was central to the programs functionality (like if it was some sort of skinning application) I could understand - but this UI design is more limiting only detracts from usability in the fact that it deviates from standards.

Items like allowing the user to resize the window (because it only shows 5 items at a time). The result of resizing the form to the full screen - it shows 5 items at a time - and has a large empty unused space, that the program fails to utilize. Nice.

At least in 7Tweak (Which I also looked at) - Under Tools->Other Tools, there are two external programs - "System Services Manager" and "Processes Manager" that use a more standard appearance and don't try to "look cool" at the expense of usability. Hopefully the rest of 7Tweak will follow. The same problems in DTweak are present in 7Tweak (on the surface at least - the programs are very similar).

I'd move onto the next section of the program - but I think I'd end up writing pages and pages on where this app could improve.

BuBBy  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+152)

I think most Windows users here will either be using XP or Windows7 rather than Vista. I'd have preferred a chance to try those versions that offer "maximum performance" rather than a "compatibility mode" limited version, but thanks anyway.

carrot muncher  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+53)

@ #4, Try Revo Uninstaller. It gets rid of the program and EVERYTHING left behind.

@ #6, Remember that a lot of people (unfortunately) vote on whether the giveaway of the day is something they hoped for.....not just whether it's a good product.

@ #10, The first thing it asked me was if I wanted the newer version. I chose no fearing what you confirmed.

@ #13, it said I had not backed up my system in 14 days too, which was dishonest.
-It also told me the temperature of my PC. (Which is impossible for it to know because I do not have the hardware for ANY software to determine that.
You were probably right to not use the registry cleaner. Here is the one review at pcworld.com:

Reviewed on 03-15-2008

Duration of ownership: 1 Days

Strengths: Appearance

Weaknesses: This utility COMPLETE DESTROYED my Vista build. DO NOT USE THIS UTILITY !!!!!

Overall Evaluation: This tool completely destroyed my Registry !!! All of the classes appear as "unregistered". Luckily I have a multiple-drive system and can back up critical data. I now need to completely rebuild my PC, which is going to be a monumental task."
+++Scary huh?+++

Who know how much it's improved or how valid that review is. There is a pretty good review at download.com

Like the download.com review said, this has a bunch of utilities already built into windows that is handy to access to have in one program. (especially for Vista users because everything seems hidden or out of place.)

The system cleaner seems okay but there are things that are set by default to delete that shouldn't be pre-checked to discard like memory dumps. I have been getting Blue Screens of Death Lately. I need those memory dumps to help understand my problem.

Look at what Ccleaner doesn't have checked by default to delete and uncheck those.

There are a lot of tweaks and options that look interesting but it will take over a week to inspect them all because I need to research them first. I suggest anyone unsure does the same.

Sorry for typos and poor grammar as it is almost 5:00AM here.

Damon  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+52)

In the interests of keeping these comments interesting and helpful, Please people please do not submit comments that consist only of "Vista is crap".

The giveaway software is DTweak, not Windows Vista. Almost everyone knows that Vista is far from the most popular OS - but if everyone just posts "Vista is crap" with no reference to the giveaway software, you really aren't helping anyone - other than the poor hapless user who is planning on purchasing Windows Vista later today for their new desktop.

Comments on DTweak offering nothing more than "Vista Sucks" will be removed.


BuBBy  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+51)

I would never run any optimizer-software in compatibility-mode.

So I downloaded the 7Tweak trialversion instead.

Generally: One size window is NOT how todays programs should work. And where is the help-file?

Registry-cleaner seems to work, but way too little information as to what the items the program wants to clean, actually do.

And when the program suggests "Disable "last known good configuration" creation" with the comment "if selected, startup will be faster"...

This program is NOT for amateurs, and I am not to sure about the professionals either. Way to little information, way too many tweaks without warnings.

Yeah, most of us know tweaks are dangerous, but some of us tend to think "it is not so dangerous if we use a program, this looks kind of safe". And it is not. (The comment about having to locate the registry-backup manually applies to the 7Tweak as well)

Spredo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+34)

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