Ogni giorno offriamo programmi GRATUITI che altrimenti dovresti comprare!
Drive Copy 9.5 Personal Edition (English Version) era disponibile come app gratuita il 25 maggio 2010!
Create un clone virtuale del vostro PC comprendente sistema operativo, driver, impostazioni, applicazioni e file. Salvatelo su un hard disk USB e usatelo su un altro computer, proprio come se lavorasse con il vostro PC.
Usate Drive Copy Personal per migrare facilmente a un nuovo disco fisso o ad hardware differente senza dover reinstallare tutto, create copie di backup dei vostri hard disk ed effettuate le operazioni di partizionamento di base nel modo più facile che ci sia.
Maggiori dettagli sul prodotto sul sito Internet di Paragon Drive Copy 10 Personal Edition
Limitazioni: WinPE non incluso nel download
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durante il periodo di Giveaway, Paragon Software fornisce il supporto tecnico su http://twitter.com/paragoniac. In questa pagina potrete scrivere circa problematiche riguardanti il download, la registazione e l’utilizzo del software. Il team di supporto di Paragon Software vi risponderà il prima possibile.
Windows XP Home Edition / Vista (x32/x64)/ 7(x32/x64) and XP Professional SP1/SP2 (x32/x64)/ 2000 Professional SP4; Intel Pentium or compatible, 300MHz or higher processor; 128 MB RAM; 40 Mb HD space; Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, SVGA video adapter and monitor.
101 MB
Il programma più veloce per partizionare gli hard disk! Partizionare gli hard disk non è un gioco da ragazzi. Ecco perché milioni di persone si sono affidate delle nostre tecnologie sicure e stabili per ben 15 anni. L’edizione 2010 del programma consente di organizzare facilmente i dischi fissi ed amministrare lo spazio libero per velocizzare il sistema.
NUOVA versione 10.1 - Protezione totale del PC per utenti seri! Prendete il controllo dello stato di sicurezza del vostro computer. Basato sulle solide soluzioni commerciali per il backup e il ripristino di Paragon, il nuovo Backup & Recovery 10 Free Edition fornisce una così vasta gamma di opzioni che è difficile immaginarla.Le persone in gamba fanno i backup; Backup & Recovery è la soluzione di backup per le persone in gamba.
Non aspettate che il vostro computer vada incontro a chissà quale disastro – proteggete il vostro PC con questo programma per il recupero dei dati! Rescue Kit corregge i problemi legati alla fase di boot, recupera i dati quando i danni sono irreparabili e recupera partizioni cancellate. Tutto quello che dovete fare per usarlo è masterizzarlo su un qualsiasi CD/DVD!
Disk2vhd will create a virtual hard disk from your PC's hard disk
which you can use in VirtualPC or VirtualBox
It's less than 1MB, it's FREE from Microsoft, needs no registration. I highly highly recommend it.
In case anyone's having trouble getting the registration page to come up, the URL is http://www.paragon-software.com/registration/dc95pers.html.
(I really wish they would include that information in the readme.)
@ #4 Keith Alston said "What a waste of space! I currently have 3 hard disks, and back up daily to a 1 Tb USB drive, automatically, during the night."
Hi Folks
Why do a handful of visitors to this site have to criticise software here - when it's obvious THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT ??? !!! ???
This software is NOT a BackUp & Restore software - Paragon does several of those already. This is a Virtulise & Go software !
Those of you who've been reading my notes in the last year will know that I recommend using a 'Virtual PC' to trial softwares etc. & this software is an ideal starting point to that !
By creating a Virtual Copy of your PC - you have a better understanding what affect a new software might have. While the Virtual PC is not a 100% carbon as it uses Virtual Drivers - it is as close as you can get without having a second swapped hard drive.
Just because it can backup as a bi-product of it's functions - does not mean that is it's function !
It seems that anytime Paragon & similar companies put a program on this site . . . either Bubby or Mike ( the other one ) or myself etc. end up defending the software & it's developers aginst pointless criticism . . . WHY ??? We don't work for these companies - we just understand what the products are for.
If you're NOT SURE - if you DON'T UNDERSTAND what it's for - JUST ASK !!!
IT'S NOT 'ROCKET SURGERY' !!! . . . Sorry - I just love that line :o)
Anyway - by making these sweeping impropper statements against a software - just puts backs up & causes a higher level of negative feedback for the comment !
The negative comments @ no.4 have aquired '-45' the time here in the UK is 16:00 - the software has been live for 8 hours
( due to the US being behind GMT - GAOTD always goes live @08:00 here in the UK ! )
It seems by mentioning that they have loads of kit means what they say is supposed to be FACT - how many times do you hear Bubby, Ashraf , Mike or myself saying the total number of machines & hardware we have ?
I have several Lap's & PCs - different sizes - different jobs on a network - because that's what I choose to have & because it's what I do !
That hardware quantity doesn't make any difference to how good or otherwise the software is unless I've tried the program on each & it ran or failed on all or none of them ! The other viewers of the site take one look at 'I have millions of Gigs on my system - it's the best in the world' & all think the same thing - that's nice - do you get out at all ?
I hate shills on this site as much as anyone BUT what's worse is when there's someone who insists on proving that they didn't read the info & just assumed that the program's name meant it does what THEY EXPECTED it to do !
If you can't be bothered to read the details - DON'T BOTHER TO COMPLAIN !
Cheers For Now :o)
- - Mike - -
- Macs PC -</b
Comment by catlover @ #26 I have a desktop that is Windows 7 and a laptop that is running Vista . . . Can this be used to change my operating system in my laptop? I would love to have Windows 7 there as well
Hi Catlover & all other users unsure how you can make use of this software ...
I'll try to explain as basically as I can - With this software you are taking a SNAPSHOT or PHOTO of your Windows Drive as it is RIGHT NOW !
Then you need to install a "Virtual Machine" into the Target PC etc. This CAN BE the PC it was copied from - I recomment this to TRIAL new softwares - without clogging up your actual system !
Say you are using Win 7 BUT you really like your old XP system to & you don't want to give it up - NO PROBLEM !
simply run this software IN XP - then install a "Virtual Machine" onto the Win 7 machine ( I'd recommend either "MS Virtual PC 2007" or Sun's "Virtual Box" ).
Now load up your Virtual Windows XP SnapShot inside the Virtual Machine & you have XP as if it was installed from new !
This DOES NOT INSTALL XP onto your 7 PC - you don't get a Dual Boot to choose from !!!
the way it works is -
You load up the PC in Win 7 as usual - on completion - you click on the icon to open the "Virtual Machine" software. Now you load up the file with your XP SNAPSHOT in it
& there you have XP INSIDE Win 7 ! Because XP is running inside a "Virtual Machine" - you can flick between XP & other programs like your e-mail or Internet etc. & then back into XP again ! Never leaving Win 7 !!!
It's like driving a car up ramps onto the trailer flat-bed of a lorry - !?!? - stick with me - it will make sence . . . I HOPE :o)
Once the car is on the lorry - The Lorry is now in control ! It's on the ground & does running ! While YOU are on the lorry's flatbed also - You can still get into the car & you can still listen to the radio BUT all of the time you are still on the lorry - sort of a piggy-back !
To put it another way - Here in the UK we have several massive stores & Super Stores - I'm going to use ASDA as an example because in America they are known as Walmart.
Anyway - ASDA usually have big superstores that stand-alone. You walk from the car park straight into ASDA ! They are the dominant building with smaller departments within ( Bakery / groceries / clothes etc. ) BUT If ASDA was inside a Shopping Center complex - the store may look the same inside BUT you would have to pass through the main complex to get to ASDA - the complex would be the main entity with ASDA only an optional store to visit - ASDA would no longer be the dominent building - it would be a store WITHIN a larger complex - dependant on that complex !
Well . . . this is the same - you can load up XP while in Win 7 - you can run your XP programs that copied with the system & you can use the internet inside XP or install NEW programs inside XP
BUT XP IS NEVER IN CONTROL of your PC - Win 7 IS !!! You would load up XP in the same way as you would - Office or Encarta etc. It would be like A PROGRAM - an Environment WITHIN an environment !!!
Obviously the same is true in reverse - If you have a machine that is capable of running Win 7 BUT it's running XP - you can use a snapshot image of Win 7 INSIDE XP !
This time XP is in control of your PC & Win 7 is the one "inside the Virtual Space" With the screen Maximised - it looks, feels & runs like Win 7 BUT if you want to you can move back & forth from the Win 7 area to the larger - MAIN XP Environment.
When you've never seen a "Virtual Machine" run before - it's quite weird to view it for the first time !
You are looking at your normal windows BUT at the same time - in a program window - you can see all of the boot up messages as well - even the POST & BIOS ( the Black Screen & White Text / Info or Brand LOGO etc. when you first switch the PC on ) it is quite literally a VIRTUAL version of the machine it's running on at th time !!!
I know I've been talking very techincally BUT I hope you got the jist of what I was trying to explain ! Especially with the Lorry / Car thing - I've never tried to explain it like that before BUT I think it came out OK :o)
I hope I've been of help to some of you!
Cheers For Now :o)
- - Mike - -
- Macs PC -
Just a quick note to the GAOTD crew - PLEASE lose the "Stick It" icon - the only function it serves is to get in the way. I'm not going to tell you Where to stick it BUT you get the idea.
I end up having to click away from where I need the mouse - just so I can see what I'm doing because
The icon just sits there blocking whatever is behind it !!! I tried viewing the page in COMODO Dragon BUT It's even worse in there :o(
Can we PLEASE have an On/OFF switch for it ???
I know I'm not the first to ask & I doubt I'll be the last. Obviously you're getting paid for it to be there BUT PLEASE give us the option.
To save others some trouble here's a page at Paragon with two PDF files describing the Physical to Virtual (P2V) migration process. It includes links to the Microsoft and VMware Virtual PCs.
For those who'd prefer to forego the tedious registration procedure at VMware before they can download the file there, you can download it at FileHippo too. It's exactly the same file. (VMware-player-3.0.1-227600.exe - 94.333.096 bytes).
http://www.filehippo.com/download_vmware_player/tech/ (The green button top right).
Microsoft's Virtual PC page is here:
Grazie Omega, i tuoi consigli sono sempre utilissimi, grazie alle tue raccomandazioni ho salvato il mio PC da un sicuro crash. Ho usato l'applicazione -secure able- e il mio s.o. risulta incompatibile, o meglio mi segnala locked off.
Non ho voluto rischiare, anche se mi sembra sempre fantascienza ciò che scrivi...però divertente.
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L'idea del P2V è carina, anche se non nuova, se poi funzionasse sarebbe ottima! Quindi continuerò a usare un piccolo programma gratuito che permette il trasferimento in virtuale di un sistema win fisico, che si trova qui http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ee656415.aspx
Grazie GAOTD ma oggi è pollice verso!
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Scaricato ... ma non riesco a fare la registrazione.
Non mi arriva nessuna mail con il codice necessario per l'installazione.
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La Paragon software non necessita sicuramente di presentazioni, la qualità dei prodotti è indiscutibile.
Io utilizzo un sistema da me creato che ho chiamato "Never without", che mi consente di avere sempre il mio S.O. completo di programmi e dati in più copie ed adattabile a tutti i PC.
Ma resterà sempre Beta e personale.
Consiglierei comunque di utilizzare virtualbox portable per testare il SW oggi proposto.
Altri Virtual potrebbero causare uno stato di"overweight"ad un PC ospite in caso non fosse in possesso dei requisiti necessari per sopportare l'absorption RAM. Chiaramente verificate con "secure able" la fattibilità dell'operazione.
E' inutile dire che per PC datati risulta una tortura, ma in situazione di portabilità non comporterà danni.
Qualche dubbio sulla funzionalità di Smart Driver Injector, spesso non risulta compatibile in P2V, ma con un pizzico di "craftiness" tutto funzionerà a meraviglia.
grazie GAOTD
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Non me lo fà installare mi richiede il seriale. Mariuccia
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