Ogni giorno offriamo programmi GRATUITI che altrimenti dovresti comprare!
Clone Terminator era disponibile come app gratuita il 22 dicembre 2010!
Clone Terminator è un ottimo software facile da utilizzare che permette di liberare il computer dai file “doppioni”. Con il suo aiuto, potrete scansionare i vostri drive alla ricerca di file identici tra loro e cancellare quelli che non vi servono più. Ciò permette anche di aumentare le performance del disco e del sistema.
Windows XP/Vista/7/NT 4.0 (with SP4)/2000/2003
3.69 MB
$ 29
MultiStage Recovery è un software professionale per recuperare i dati per Windows. Puoi recuperare files da hard disk, floppy disk, flash drive, memorie digitali, e altre periferiche digitali.
Motivate voi stessi e andate alla ricerca del successo con Ultima Motivator! Questo software estremamente facile da usare riaffermerà i vostri desideri e manterrà la vostra mente focalizzata su questi ultimi, motivandovi a raggiungere i vostri scopi, direttamente dal vostro desktop.
Clone Terminator last appeared on Giveawayoftheday.com on June 28, 2010 with version 3.0.
Now at version 3.5 it has seen some changes.
1. Windows Vista/7 support.
2. Improved interface (new editor of equal file groups, built-in multi-format preview system, etc)
3. Improved speed and stability (now Clone Terminator is one of the fastest duplicate finder program on the market).
4. Built-in new warning system (try to prevent a user deleting system/program files)
I'm so happy to have the opportunity to get new ideas and advices from you! I hate marketing bullshit, so I won't waste your time :)
In this new version of Clone Terminator you can find:
1. Built-in warning system (tries not to allow an user to scan/delete system or program files)
2. Support for more formats in built-in preview system.
3. Improved stability.
Thank you for your criticism and have a nice day!
Sorry, Bubby - - - Clone Terminator last appeared on June 28, 2010 with Version 3.0. You are correct about the new features.
I have used this program since Version 2.5 and I have to say there is no better or faster duplicate finder that I have found anywhere. It shows the results side by side so you can decide which of the duplicates to keep and there is no way (besides blindness or incompetence) to delete the wrong file. If you do, it will be found in the recycle bin so you really have to go out of your way to lose a file.
The program finds duplicates by comparing the file data. The name is irrelevant so you will find the results displaying the two filenames regardless of what they are. You choose which to keep. If you are a "Doubting Thomas" you can always compare the two results using Windows File Compare but you'll never find a mistake (mismatch), the program is awesome!
Best program I've ever used to find duplicates and it has saved me a lot of space removing extra photos and music files. I love it!
Thank you GAOTD and Enplase Research!
Fast, clean, simple, and it runs as advertised. I selected a sub-folder with 5892 files of 4.3 meg each. It found two pairs in 40 seconds. It looks like a keeper for me.
@7 (Lou2) The "uninstall" file is in the application's folder (unins000.exe) and it IS registered even if no shortcut was created.
Peter (XP-SP2)
Not really impressed with today's offering. I felt like it was lacking some pretty basic options, most notably the ability to include/exclude subdirectories. I didn't really notice any difference in speed from other programs of the same type, and the results seem unnecessarily complicated. They're listed in groups, but rather than being able to go through and select numerous files in numerous pairs you have to go through one pair at a time. I also didn't see a way to select, say, files from a specific directory for deletion. At $29, I have to say that there are a number of free programs out there that have many more options. I've been very happy with DigitalVolcano's Duplicate Cleaner. The one selling point on this program seems to be the built-in warning system. If you're generally careful with cleaning out files, that probably isn't enough to warrant the $29, though.
Che coincidenza! Proprio oggi sono stati trasmessi su Italia 1 gli ultimi due episodi di “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”.
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cautela! alcuni file meglio lasciarli dove sono anche se doppi (parlo perchè già 'scottato'). Cmque tutti i softw. di pulizia includono questa opzione. Io ho sempre usato Duplicate Finder freeware.
vado a leggermi il test di Dude.
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Programma che fa quello che promette, rimando al forum per il test effettuato.
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Fa quello che dice.
Attenzione a questo utily ci vuole poco a corrempere il sistema operativo, prima di cancellare controllate bene
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Ma io a volte rimango stupito da alcuni software...questo oltre ad essere, secondo me, abbastanza inutile è anche potenzialmente pericoloso... non è detto che se ho 2 file uguali uno debba essere per forza un doppione ... e poi vorrei vedere come si comporta con la miriade di file di sistema...se per caso ne eliminasse qualcuno addio SO.
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