29 marzo 2013
uMark is a powerful batch watermarking software. It enables you to add visible watermarks to your digital images and photos.
26 giugno 2010
Protect multiple files and entire folders with just a few clicks.
16 maggio 2010
Record your screen activities and play them back like a movie to see what you did the whole day.
06 maggio 2010
Protect your digital photos with uMark!
12 luglio 2009
uMark Professional - Image Watermarking Software
17 gennaio 2009
Utility for marking the images and photos with a copyright notice or your company logo or both.
11 novembre 2008
Record your screen activities and play them back like a movie to see what you did the whole day.
06 novembre 2008
Uconomix Encryption Engine permette di proteggere la privacy ed i dati sensibili cifrandoli e blindandoli con una password.
27 aprile 2008
Record your screen activities and play them back like a movie to see what you did the whole day.