Ogni giorno offriamo programmi GRATUITI che altrimenti dovresti comprare!
AVIToolbox 2.3 era disponibile come app gratuita il 22 marzo 2014!
AVI Toolbox è uno strumento user-friendly per compiere le più comuni operazioni sui file video, ad esempio taglairli, estrarne l’audio, estrarne dei fotogrammi e molto altro.
Windows NT/ 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ Server 2008/ 7/ 8
10.4 MB
SUMo, cha sta per Software Update Monitor. Grazie a SUMo, potrete mantenere il vostro PC sempre aggiornato scaricamento le versioni più recenti dei vostri programmi preferiti! A differenza della funzione di aggiornamento integrata in molti di essi, SUMo vi avverte che le nuove versioni dei programmi sono disponibili prima che avviate questi ultimi.
KCleaner è stato progettato per essere uno dei programmi più efficienti per pulire l'hard disk e tracciare ogni byte inutile, in modo da liberare tutte le risorse possibili e dedicarle a documenti, musica, foto, film, ecc. È il primo nel suo genere ed integra una modalità di funzionamento completamente automatica che funziona in background, in questo modo non bisogna preoccuparsi di avviarla manualmente.
VideoInspector è un programma progettato per fornire il maggior numero di informazioni possibili sui file video. Con VideoInspector potrete scoprire perché il vostro video sembra non avere audio o perché non viene riprodotto correttamente sul PC.
Zer0 è un programma user friendly per la cancellazione dei file in maniera sicura. Con Zer0, potrete cancellare i vostri file evitando che questi ultimi possano essere recuperati da altre persone. Nessuno è ancora riuscito a trovare un modo per recuperare i file cancellati con Zer0.
Dear Giveaway of the day users,
Please, please cast your vote after you have used/test drive the software.
Ah, KC Softwares! One of the oddest developers around in that not only does it steadfastly refuse to take notice of any and all user feedback, it proceeds to make things even worse for itself with ever dafter marketing tactics.
This developer brought AVI Toolbox 2.2 to GOATD some time last year, and promoted it with the exact self-same product text that appears now. . . despite the fact that, er, no: what's on offer isn't and never has been a box of tools, nor does it allow users to video split, audio extract, or picture capture common video files like mp4, flv, wmv, etc etc.
I seem to recall not being alone last year in asking KC Softwares to stop playing around with words likely to mislead, but clearly, I'd have saved time and effort by not bothering. Here it is again with the same single file format tool -- one which failed to work for me last time around when it blamed me for not running the right codecs, even though the avi format was handled without difficulty by all other similar software on my computer.
A developer that took note of feedback on GAOTD would likely encourage me to re-try the latest version of its product, just to see if the codecs problem had been sorted, but KC Softwares' couldn't-care-less attitude is seriously discouraging. . . and its marketing, even more so.
Last time around, it was criticised for featuring well-nigh meaningless "awards" on this software's product page. Well, those "awards" are still there, but this time they're accompanied by one of the most hilariously counter-productive endorsements I've ever seen, anywhere: a link to Ashraf's own website in the list of "Awards & Reviews" and a dot tech appraisal featuring this memorable, er, commendation:
Where do I even begin to describe how terrible a program AVIToolbox is. . .
Sorry, KC Softwares. Can't fault you for your honesty, but really, a developer which thinks it's a good idea to (a) ignore all user feedback and (b) promote itself on the basis of a review that says how terrible its product is doesn't inspire me with any confidence.
Thanks as ever, GAOTD, but no thanks.
The software doesn't run properly with any of my AVI files! In the display area there's nothing but a button that says "Check Codecs." Clicking on that button launches my default web browser and loads a page telling me to install something called "VideoInspector."
So I downloaded the install file for THAT program (from the same company, KC Software). During the install process I'm asked to approve some sort of software that claims to "improve" my "web shopping experience."
The LAST THING I NEED IS ADWARE ON MY COMPUTER!" I declined the installation (hit the "cancel" button) and aborted the install of VideoInspector. Even though the Agreement says the adware can be removed via the Add/Remove Program function of Windows, I simply REFUSE to install it in the first place!
I am EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED WITH GOTD FOR OFFERING ME A SOFTWARE THAT ATTEMPTS TO LOAD ADWARE ON MY SYSTEM! What in the world is going on with you guys? You used to offer good stuff, but lately it seems like we're getting nothing but JUNK!
I've been publishing GOTD's "ticker" on my Facebook page because I've been a fan for years, but in light of recent events I believe I'm going to REMOVE IT.
It's the wee hours of the morning here, and I'll be out all day, returning too late to act on any response I receive to this comment - but I intend to see what sort of response - if any - that I receive.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system. The installation procedure installs some unwanted shortcuts on the desktop.
A company without name and address with some known software products, SUMO or Audiograil for example.
When I test a software, the most important thing for me is: Does this software run flawlessly from the beginning, through understandable operations to a correct finish. If this is not the case...
In this case, AVI toolbox the easy movie splitter starts with a simple interface. I tried to open an .AVI file.
The first try results in a message : "Indice ImageList incorrect", the second try after a program restart gives a memory access violation on address xxxx in module AVITOOLBOX address 0000028. The third attempt on another .AVI files crashes the program.
Of course I test on good working .AVI files. For more tests, I have no patience.
Uninstalled, Useless, a banana product in the version 2.3. Probably the company starts with version 2.5 as the first working one...
I have never given a bad report to a giveawayoftheday offering before but this could be the first.
1. It downloaded 3 other programmes that I did not see anywhere to be able to refuse.
2. I tried to open an Avi file and all that came up was "Indice Image List incorrect. and
3. It said "Check Video Codecs". I tried a number of times with various avi movies and always got the same response.
4. I am now going to take it off.
Per ogni programma mi dice sempre failed to connect... è un problema del sito?
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