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Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator

Re-create the tilt-shift effects by using your PC – no tilt-shift lens required!
$49.95 SCADUTA
User Rating: 572 2 commenti

Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator era disponibile come app gratuita il 22 febbraio 2012!

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Da oggi l'effetto tilt-shift nelle foto può essere creato con Tilt Shift Generator, che usa un algoritmo speciale per sfocare determinate aree delle immagini con la giusta intensità.

Disponibile ad una frazione del prezzo dei reali obiettivi per tilt-shift, questo nuovo prodotto offre gradi di creatività inediti fornendo vari effetti, opzioni e personalizzazioni che nemmeno il più avanzato obiettivo per tilt-shift riesce ad offrire.

La fotografia Tilt-shift è uno stile di arte fotografica che rende oggetti in dimensioni reali o paesaggi simili a modellini. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, la fotocamera è equipaggiata con speciali obiettivi per tilt-shift, permettendo ai fotografi di oltrepassare i limiti di DOF e prospettiva. Per essere perfette, le foto dovrebbero essere scattate da punti panoramici, come ponti, montagne o elicotteri, che creano una prospettiva in grado di dare l'illusione dei modellini.

Non perdete l'offerta speciale di Artensoft per gli utenti di GOTD - 70% di sconto su tutti i programmi durante il periodo del giveaway! Usate il codice coupon ARTENSOFT70 per ottenere lo sconto.

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Requisiti di Sistema:

Windows OS (up to 7)





Dimensione File:

7.39 MB



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Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

Commenti su Artensoft Tilt Shift Generator

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bell'effetto da applicare alle foto e maschera software semplice ed intuitiva nonostante manchi la traduzione in ITA.
x me da provare.
solo un grosso difetto: per salvare il progetto mantenendone le dimensioni originali ci vuole un eternità.

Rispondi   |   PinKo  –  12 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Scaricato senza problemi e installato abbastanza velocemente (Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit). Programma simpatico anche se di "nicchia" (per soli appasionati di fotografia), soprattutto se si considera il fatto di poterlo avere gratis. Discorso diverso in caso di acquisto, visto che il sw ha un'unica funzione che normalmente è inclusa in svariati programmi di ritocco fotografico (Photoshop, Paint shop pro ecc.) che solitamente chi ha il "pallino" della fotografia gia possiede.Per avere un'idea dell'effetto che si può ottenere, basta dare un'occhiata alla galleria della sw house http://www.tiltshiftgenerator.com/gallery.php . Comunque, pollice su, non foss'altro per la particolarità della proposta (gli ultimi sw offerti piuttosto scontati e ripetitivi).

Rispondi   |   @ce  –  12 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)
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Top English commenti

The definition of Tilt_&_Shift provided in the description of today's GOTD is somewhat misleading. Purpose of those (expensive) lenses is to increse the depth of field mainly in macro-photography.
(e.g. when shooting miniature-models like in railroad modeling)
Everything in front and beyond the "perfect focus range" will result blurred because out of focus - nothing to do with the "bokeh effect" which is intentionally created by mean of appropriate filters - at least using traditional cameras.
Nonetheless the program offered today might be interesting just for the purpose to create a bokeh effect mainly to drive the attention to a specific subjet/point of an image blurring the front and background parts. While interesing this has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose the shift-and-tilt lenses have been conceived for!

El Coyote  –  12 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+105)

Here is their gallery !!!

Hariks  –  12 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+67)

@#6 El Coyote is quite right. The purpose of a tilt & shift lens (or the movements of a large format camera) is exactly the opposite to the effect produced by this software - i.e. to bring into focus parts of a photograph that would otherwise be out-of-focus due to depth-of-field limitations. The other function is to correct perspective - e.g. the tapered appearance of a tall building photographed from ground level or converging lines - e.g. railway lines. As far as I can see, this software doesn't do that at all.

The effect produced here can be easily achieved in-camera by aperture adjustment which is why it is only supplied on Canon's entry-level compacts. The naming and description at best demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge of photographic principles and at worst, a deliberate attempt to mislead. Certainly nothing I would pay $50 (or even $5) for.

Andy  –  12 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+51)

The gallery is interesting and reveals the scope of what the filter effects can do. There are many uses for this! However, it is really a "letterbox of focus" with various blurring effects beyond the focus window. The effects only work well for some pictures where the composition is itself bounded by a "letterbox".

The results are dreadful when a certain depth of field should be included but the object extends beyond the letterbox. See their own gallery for pictures that work... (e.g. the airport, park shots, where the focus in on small objects like people)... but also the pictures that dont work (e.g. the in city shots with buildings taller than the letterbox).

A real tilt-shift lens gives much more creativity. But use this filter with point and shoot cameras and you can obtain some fun effects. However, I think this should be a $5 filter plugin for photoshop etc. and not as an overpriced standalone application.

lemonadesoda  –  12 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+49)

I use tilt and shift lenses all the time (architectural and advertising photographer) they are mainly used to provide a parellel plane towards the film taking surface (sensor) thus eliminating converging verticals (tilt) and to eliminate reflections of camera and tripod (possibly photographer) in say shop windows or indeed mirror like surfaces the shift comes into play, also very handy for macro photography to increase depth of field by using tilt. A cheaper method for creating miniature effects would be to use a lens baby lens designed for this purpose and macro use. Will try this out and see if it stacks up against Photoshop (mainly in terms of speed to do the same job).

PictureMe  –  12 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+45)

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