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AD Unlocker Pro era disponibile come app gratuita il 24 febbraio 2011!
AD Unlocker Pro è una piccola applicazione che permette di cercare nelle Directory Attive per ogni account bloccato e visualizzare i rispettivi nomi utenti. Per sbloccare gli account, basta un click! Tutte le funzionalità sono accessibili tramite un'interfaccia utente molto facile da usare, in modo da non dover ricorrere alla linea di comando. Non dovrete più connettervi da remoto al server con la Directory Attiva per sbloccare un account utente!
Inoltre, se avete i privilegi da amministratore nella Directory Attiva, non è necessaria alcuna configurazione! AD Unlocker Pro rileverà automaticamente la Directory Attiva e userà il vostro account utente per connettersi ad essa. Per ogni evenienza, potrete usare anche un login alternativo che ha privilegi più alti nella Directory Attiva.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ Server 2003/ Server 2008
1.11 MB
For those that don't understand what this program does, the succinct answer is that if you don't know then you don't need it and can't use or benefit from it. It is intended for Systems Administrators in a Windows Active Directory environment that often need to unlock user accounts. These user accounts typically become locked because the user has entered a bad password too many times within a short period of time. It is of no use to non-business users.
I assume that the "strictly personal usage" portion of the GOTD terms and conditions doesn't apply to this program? This program would be of no use in a non-commercial environment.
To those administering an Active Directory, this would be a very useful program. I personally always use Dameware Utilities for unlocking accounts, as it can sort the user accounts by the locked/unlocked (locked = yes/no) status. This way, with just a click, the locked accounts appear at the top of the window. However, Dameware Utilities is a fairly expensive package that many administrators do not have access to. This program at only $14.95 is a bargain (and free is even better, of course). However, what appears to be missing is the ability to change a user's password from this program. In my experience, many times the reason a user's account is locked out is because the user has changed their password and doesn't remember what the new password is. In this instance, you would still need to open the normal AD tools in order to change their password back to something known. Perhaps this could be added in the next version?
Could somebody explain me what does this software exactly do? I've visited its website and still don't get it. It seems if i've a list of subscribers/users who are locked (btw, why locked ?) then this will unlock easily...?
THanks anyway
@2 and 8. “If you don’t know, you don’t need it”....I can't agree with it. In the past, i encountered several softwares that i had no idea of them. However, after reading their descriptions, visiting their web pages and also discussing this community, i found some of them are extremely useful. I couldn't believe how i had lived without them. If we just ignore giveaways because we don't know, then how we can improve our cyber lives? Be curious and you will become just better step by step!
@ Stan - you're right - I know I don't need this, and many of the GAOD offerings, but I do appreciate the explanation of what it does. Knowledge is good and sharing knowledge is better!
Even though I don't try much of the software I enjoy reading the comments daily and try to see if there's some tip or trick I can learn to improve my activities. As I said, most are a NO - not a thumbs down certainly - but just not for my needs so I couldn't evaluate the s/w.
I'm a net admin and I immediately understood it's use and it's value. One use: Normally, you have a three strike lockout on passwords. Get it wronge thrice, and you're locked out for X period of time. Say Joan User works nights and you see her locked out at 10:30AM. Somebody's crackin on your network. Find them and give them a good flesh wound for their effort. (I wish)
Use two: Some people just have passwordheimers. Every couple days they need unlocked. Oh well. Can't fire them and you can't bury them in the parking lot.
P.S. Couldn't pass up the opportunity to use the word 'thrice'.
peoprio non capisco a cosa possa servire un sw del genere.
prima di tutto servirebbe solo ad un admin di server (visto che si parla di active directory) e gia qui dovrebbe cadere la legittimita dell'offerta visto che il giveaway dovrebbe valere solo per fini non commerciali (e sfido a dire che amministrare un server non e un attivita commerciale)
secondo di poi se sono amministratore di sistema di un server (visto che l'unica tipologia di utente a cui puo servire) non ho alcun problema ad agire da linea di comando. anzi lo preferisco perche ci sono piu abituato, visto che e piu facile usare la linea di comando che va bene per tutto
inoltre se sono amministratore di un server ho il mio account, mi basta accedere al server dal mio account che ha i poteri amministrativi e sbloccare tutto dal mio account.
e quindi ? .......
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