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1-abc.net Duplicate Finder 6 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — 1-abc.net Duplicate Finder 6

Duplicate files on your computer – with 1-abc.net Duplicate Finder you will never have to care about them anymore!
$19.99 SCADUTA
User Rating: 464 1 commenti

1-abc.net Duplicate Finder 6 era disponibile come app gratuita il 15 aprile 2014!

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Converti le immagini JPG, PNG, TIFF e BMP in PDF.

Oggigiorno ci sono così tante migliaia di file conservati sui PC che mantenerli sotto controllo è molto difficile. Qui entra in gioco questo programma, che in maniera molto facile e veloce vi permetterà di localizzare ed eliminare file doppioni da computer, drive esterni, CD/DVD, penne USB e schede di fotocamere.

Consente ad ogni utente di impostare dei filtri per la ricerca dei doppioni legati ai nomi dei file, le loro dimensioni, gli attributi, la data dell’ultima modifica ed alrtri parametri personalizzabili. Permette anche di comparare il checksum CRC32 di ciascun file.

Dopo la selezione della cartella o del drive nel quale effettuare la ricerca, il programma confronta tutti i file e le cartelle in modo da individuare i doppioni e farli diventare solo un vecchio ricordo.

Al termine della ricerca, vedrete la lista di tutti i doppioni trovati dal programma suddivisi per categorie e dimensioni. Potrete dunque selezionarli e scegliere il da farsi, se cancellarli direttamente o controllarli nella loro cartella di origine.

Il Team di 1-abc.net offre supporto via email gratuito per questa edizione del software. Basta visitare http://1-abc.net/support.htmper le FAQ o contattare il team direttamente.

I migliori due suggerimenti per migliorare il programma saranno premiati con una copia di 1-abc.net Cleaning Box. Usate l’apposito modulo per inviarci i vostri feedback e non dimenticate di inserire correttamente il vostro indirizzo email, altrimenti in caso di vincita non potremo contattarvi!

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisiti di Sistema:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8; CPU: 300 MHz; RAM: 32MB; Disk space: 10MB





Dimensione File:

9.6 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
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Commenti su 1-abc.net Duplicate Finder 6

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installato ma poi rimosso.
molto limitato, per quanto mi riguarda (ad esempio: non sembra avere strumenti per trovare immagini tra loro molto simili come "contenuto", e neppure mostra le immagini quando si "forza" la ricerca riducendo le opzioni di ricerca)

Rispondi   |   diego  –  10 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)
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Top English commenti

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.

A German Company with name and address including phone&fax.

A small non resizable window opens to enter the search path, the search options. The window changes to full screen to display the search results (which can be unchecked).

And ... no this is not sufficient. Sorry.

The default options are identical name, size, attributes (why that?), but you have check the CRC option, if you want to find really identical files. But the you have to UNCHECK the useless identical name, size and so on options.

The result window is grouped in file sizes :

between 100 and 250 KB or between 1 and 2,5 MB and so on. Why not add file size between 5 and 7.5 MB or... Funny idea!

There you can delete those files, which are "identical" to your definition. The results can be exported and edited for whatever reasons.

This is a very simple program, it works in this restricted way. But a main point is missing for me:

If you want to compare drive/path X with your backup drive/path Y then you are lost. You cannot define different search pools and let the program delete automatically all identical files found in pool2.

I use since long the freeware CloneSpy. Quite often to find duplicates in large lists on different volumes. And a warning : never delete duplicates on your system drive. Windows has a lot of duplicates, which it NEEDS in the actual folders.

Uninstalled via reboot. Not good enough to be kept.

Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+120)



Enjoy!! ^_^

Giovanni  –  10 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+119)

Thank you all for your comments.

@5 (Karl): Comment #10 of XP-Man is a good answer on this. Simply set the check box "Identical size", remove all other ones except "Identical CRC32 Checksum" and "Check ... for CRC32 checksum in a 2nd step...", then you have the behaviour you prefer.

@11 (Gene Diamond): Nice to hear that you like the program. And if it should be too expensive for you, be happy that it is free today from this website :-)

@12: By opening the 'Options' screen you can define anything to avoid that files like readme.txt, help.chm or uninstall.exe are found by the program, for example by searching only for files with identical creation date or by adding exceptions.

Keep on enjoying our free edition today!

Enrico (1-abc.net Support)

1-abc.net Support  –  10 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+33)

Today's giveaway set off my antivirus. It said it contains some kind of malwares. Removed it immediately.
A no. of free alternatives available. Giovanni has already covered some. Let me also chip in.



http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/Duplicate-cleaner.shtml [Probably the best, I use it]


http://puran-utilities.en.lo4d.com/ [a very underrated software, it has diverse uses and I'm sure it has a duplicate files finder]

That should be enough for today. Happy downloading folks!

Aaron Farnsworth  –  10 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+28)


If you want to compare drive/path X with drive/path Y try Easy Duplicate File Finder (last free version is v2.4):

Liesel Weppen  –  10 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+26)

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