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Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Standard 4.8.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Standard 4.8.0

Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Standard 4.8.0 is a kind of digital photo software to provide you the complete solution of making flash slideshow and web photo gallery without any flash programming knowledge.
$49.95 SCADUTA
User Rating: 540 9 commenti

Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Standard 4.8.0 era disponibile come app gratuita il 28 ottobre 2010!

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Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Standard 4.8.0 è un software per la gestione delle foto digitali che fornisce una soluzione completa per la creazione di slideshow in flash e gallerie fotografiche per il web senza necessitare di conoscenze in ambito di programmazione. Potrete impreziosire i vostri slideshow con numerosi template, decorarli con effetti speciali strabilianti, aggiungere clip art, suoni buffi  e condividerli su MySpace, Blogger e altri social network. Usatelo per inviare biglietti di auguri unici ai vostri amici nelle prossime festività, Halloween è dietro l'angolo!

Funzionalità principali:

  • Combina foto e musica in slide show dinamici in flash in maniera semplicissima
  • Template di slideshow in flash per compleanni, matrimoni e festività quali Halloween, Natale, ecc.…
  • Permette di dar vita alle foto con oltre 100 effetto di transizione e movimento (es. transizione di titoli in 3D, transizione wipe, effetto scomparsa, ecc.).
  • Migliora la qualità delle foto con un editor integrato
  • Permette di modificare e tagliare la musica con un editor integrato
  • Permette di impostare la durata di ciascuna foto, aggiungere titoli, descrizioni e hyperlink a queste ultime
  • Permette di modificare colori, font, dimensioni ed effetti speciali dei testi
  • Supporta vari formati di output: SWF, XML, HTML, EXE, Email e Screen Saver
  • Supporto online veloce ed efficiente

Importante: Per attivare il software, dovrete registrarvi sulla pagina del produttore (versione completa). In questo modo, riceverete il codice necessario alla registrazione.

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisiti di Sistema:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7; CPU: Pentium III/Athlon 500MHz or above; Memory: 512MB (1 GB or higher recommended); Hard Disk: 500MB Free Space or above


Wondershare Software



Dimensione File:

76.2 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

Commenti su Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Standard 4.8.0

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Utilizzavo già programmi analoghi per creare album web.
Devo dire che Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory non è niente male, e credo sostituirà i precedenti.
Spero uscirà di nuovo su Giveaway, magari per le versioni aggironate...

Rispondi   |   Pokas  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Programma interessante e semplice da usare
Su un prodotto simile 10$ in meno ci starebbero ...
... e il supporto per le lingue sarebbe gradito.
Cmq pollicino SU :-)

Template aggiuntivi si possono scaricare qui
http:// www.ourpix.com/flash-slideshow-template.html

Quando richiedete la chiave per l'attivazione, e venite reinderizzati alla pagina di registrazione della Wondershare, premete a sinistra il pulsante per il "download" del programma (scaricherete l'eseguibile di installazione) ... in questo modo, ottenuta la chiave di registrazione, potrete installarlo tutte le volte che vorrete.

Ciao a tutti.

Rispondi   |   bofolo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

ringrazio in anticipo chi risponde...visto che trasforma il file in .swf, come si fa a trasformarlo ad es. in .avi o .fly per pubblicarlo?..provando con vari convertitori, quel formato non è supportato..

Rispondi   |   Ale  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

•Template di slideshow in flash per compleanni, matrimoni e festività quali Halloween, Natale, ecc.…

come si fà ad utilizzarlo ?

Rispondi   |   rocco  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Pieno di funzionalità facile da utilizzare con molti modelli ed effetti animati. Consigliato a principianti ed esperti! Assolutamente POLLICE SU!

Rispondi   |   Gabry  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

A me piace tantissimo! Scaricato, installato e registrato senza problemi. Wondershare è sempre sinonimo di qualità. Pollice sù e...consigliatissimo!!!

Rispondi   |   Riff21  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

Ottimo programma! Consigliato vivamente a coloro che hanno perso la possibilità di scaricare la versione 5.1 in regalo su facebook a fine agosto....:)
Comunque anche quella è solo la versione standard e non ha differenze significative.

Rispondi   |   Jerdo  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

IL software di oggi non è affatto male, funziona benissimo anche su Seven ed è semplice da utilizzare. Pollice su.

Rispondi   |   Alfyman  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)

La wondershare fa sempre ottimi programmi io mi fido e occhi chiusi me lo scarico lo installo e dò pollice su.

Rispondi   |   alexsius  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (0)
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Top English commenti

Installation and Registration

1. Unzip the package you`ve downloaded and install the software,
2. Run the software you installed;
3. Click “Get KeyCode” button, enter your e-mail address on the popup page to get keycode;
(Note: After enter your e-mail address, you can directly get the keycode on the webpage, and you also can find it in your mailbox.)
4. Type your e-mail address and the keycode to run the software;
5. Then you can use all the functions of the software now.

Please follow above steps to register the program. You are recommended to run the program under administrator account.

Wondershare provides free online support for this giveaway. If you have questions about Flash Gallery Factory Standard, please feel free to contact our technical support directly at Wondershare Support Center or Email us at: support@wondershare.com

Wondershare has also released exclusive 60% discounts only for GAOTD users on Flash Gallery Factory Standard, which includes all the power of Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory 4.8.0,plus more free resources and full technical support. Make your Halloween 2010 memorable from here!

Giveaway of the Day project team  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+60)


OK. A few niggles too and a few suggestions to make it (even) better.

I don't like the start-up screen where the 'Gallery' option does nothing else than taking you to their website to try and sell you an upgrade. And also that it forces using IE for that instead of my default browser Firefox which it also does for the 'Online Help' option in the program. This was also the case with the DVD Slideshow Builder given away on 10 September. Wondershare hasn't changed this yet and it's still annoying.

Having said that and having used only a small portion of the program so far what I very much like is the customisable 'Ken Burns' motion effect where you can define exactly from where to where the panning and/or zooming moves. I also like how you can use two instances of the same photo and it by using the option "Set start position to be the same as end position of the previous picture" allowing you to pan across a photo to a part of a photo in the first instance of the photo and zooming in on that part in the second instance. Nice! However... For that effect to work best I need an immediate and seamless transition between the two instances of the photo but when I delete the transition effect I still get a small 'jump' between the two images. Whether this is due to an imperfect selection of the same area or because the motion in the second instance begins immediately and I have only used it on an older computer which is stressed to the max by such Flash-based applications I can't tell. Which brings me to the other suggestions I have.

I cannot enter them into the Idea Informer because that simply won't work for me no matter what I try. Others have expressed that same issue before. So I'll simply describe them here.

I would like to have the option to set both a time before the motion effect starts and also after it ends. For instance: Stationary for a second - Motion for 5 seconds - Stationary for half a second - Immediate transition - Stationary for half a second - Motion for three seconds - Stationary for 2 seconds - Transition to next photo.

The "Set start position to be the same as end position of the previous picture" should also have an added checkbox: "Remove transition between previous and current picture" so you don't have to do that separately.

Ideally you should be able to set a more complex motion to different positions in a picture within the settings of that single picture. With pauses and even curved motions, accelerations and decelerations, with multiple subtitles (or audio commentary) you could really tell a story that way.

This better control over this Ken Burns style effects was (still) absent in the DVD Slideshow Builder which (to me) significantly reduced it's appeal. If Wondershare haven't added this to this program yet they should do so ASAP, preferably with my suggestions added (and do a Giveaway of it of course). :)

It would also be preferable to have the option to switch off (start/stop or start/pause) the constant showing of the effect. It slows the computer down to an annoying extent on less fast systems. Maybe an option to set a smaller size of that previewing for slower systems would be useful too.

And please remove that annoying question about opening the folder after the Publish phase that pops up every time. Just add a checkbox to the window where you press the [Publish] button that says: "Open folder after publishing" or something similar that stays the way you set it. Much more user-friendly IMHO.

I was still looking for software that would give me more control over the Ken Burns style effects because I like how you can almost change static photos into a movie with it. Today's Giveaway brings it definitely a step closer to what I want.

Ben  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+28)

Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Standard is an app to package images in a Flash Shockwave file. Three quarters presentation, 1/4 viewer, the stylized result can be exported as-is (.swf), with html/xml sample code, packaged with the Shockwave Player as a stand-a-lone executable (.exe), sent via e-mail, or packaged with a Shockwave Player Screensaver. Your images aren't turned into a slideshow, but they can be presented/shown that way -- &/or they can be viewed individually by selecting thumbnails or using previous/next buttons. Playing most finished projects you'll 1st see animated scene building, as the frames for the thumbnails & images move into place, & then an animated slideshow starts. If you upgrade you'll be able to use Gallery mode, which in contrast skips the cartoonish [but also creative & fun] aspects, letting you create a much more conventional gallery. Unfortunately it seems the only way you can *see* what the Gallery mode does is to download & install the trial [http://goo.gl/sbDu], & it won't co-exist with today's GOTD [it'll uninstall it 1st], so if you want to take a look you might want to do that 1st.

The more traditional Gallery mode is IMHO more suited for biz use if/when a biz wants more control over their images -- they're harder to copy when contained in an .swf file. For individual &/or family use the photo sharing/printing/gallery sites [snapfish.com etc.] I think are much more popular -- you don't have to setup/maintain your own site, pay for bandwidth etc., they have many value-added features, you control access (who can view your images), & usually you can purchase custom products with your images. Expanding their Live Essentials, Microsoft also gives you a lot of options for image editing, cataloging, storing, & sharing, much of it on-line & accessed from anywhere with any device. http://goo.gl/ZBJT -- http://goo.gl/PG7t -- http://goo.gl/xfXR

OTOH I can't really suggest a lot of alternatives to today's GOTD, Wondershare's FGFS. The projects you create are in a word stylized, some corny, many with a cartoonish flavor associated with China's part of the world. They're ideally suited to send out in holiday emails, or put up on a site you share with family & friends. You start by Browsing for photos, which you add to a timeline running along the bottom. Click the Edit Photo button & you can do some minor editing (add filters etc), crop, set slideshow display duration, add a hyperlink &/or caption. The Add Music button let's you select audio files, while the Edit Music button lets you trim their length & set to loop. Next step is Templates, where you preview & select from the quite a few included. Moving on to Effect, you select (& optionally customize) the transition between images when they're shown as a slideshow -- the Motion tab lets you move around the image itself, e.g. zoom in/out. Next, Decorate is where you add animated text, clipart, &/or sprites -- you can also add sounds, import or record your own. The last step is Publish -- it gives you a preview so you'll probably want to visit this part of the app often. And along the right you'll see all your export options.

Functionally Wondershare FGFS is pretty much stand-a-lone, with Process Explorer [SysInternals] not showing any dependencies, .dll files used etc. Nor does it seem to use a lot of resources, though the launcher stays running & will continue to use some -- skipping the launcher, double-clicking the app's .exe won't work. Running, it keeps Microsoft Security Essentials pretty busy, so if things get sluggish you might want (or even have) to consider turning off real-time scanning in whatever AV software you use. Monitoring installation in a bare XP VM: 1) showed a lot of .NET 2 involvement, & 2) the app wouldn't run properly -- that's the only place I had problems, & the only thin I have still running .NET 2, though I don't know if they're connected. The GOTD install creates a Wondershare program folder with 1602 files, 48 folders, ~105 MB -- the deluxe trial OTOH comes in at 1673 files, 91 folders, ~64 MB... the difference is in the templates that come with the GOTD. Both come with the Flash Player Installer 10.1 r53 [current is - http://goo.gl/0YdP] -- if it's not installed you get updated Flash settings trusting Wondershare's app for example. Otherwise you get Start Menu (& opt. desktop) shortcuts & an output folder under Documents. Like most Wondershare apps, registry impact is light -- about 4 keys plus uninstall.

mike  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+27)

Good: Drag and drop, so it's mostly just double clicking your way through. Very simple. Not professional, but excellent for most casual users. Can add your own music from many popular file formats.
Bad: Couldn't find anything, it seems to do what it says.
Overall, i'd say it's a handy app to have if you ever need to make a slideshow

Terry  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+25)

This is a great piece of software for webmasters and bloggers alike. I have the deluxe version so I will pass on this one today.
very easy to use,my 11 year old actually put together the silde slow for my newest review on my web site. http://www.xfastpc.com/slideshow.html
it comes packed with transitions/clip art/effects/slide motions/animations and sound files for audio effects.
when you are ready to publish your work you can publish in the following formats: SWF MOVIE/SHARE ALBUM ONLINE/XML FILE/HTML FILE/EXECUTABLE FILE/SEND VIA EMAIL AND EVEN MAKE IT YOUR SCREEN SAVER.
you can choose the out put quality and size and put a hyper link at the end of your slide show. choose from auto play or manual and your preloader.
there are so many templates to choose from such as:
.fathers day
.mothers day
.Christmas theme
.new years
.weddings and more!

I have enjoyed this software very much and will suggest it to any one who puts things online. NO YOU CAN NOT POST TO FACE BOOK OR YOUTUBE. they do not support swf formats.
very smooth running software for flash.
Now as for the spelling mistakes that they made, English is not their first language, Chinese is. so give them a little slack on the spelling.
as for customer service you can not get any better! they are 100% involved with their clients. so much so that I have 2 staff members as friends on my face book that I chat with a couple of times a week.Wondershare is one of these company's that will become a house hold name.
Do not pass on this one or you will kick your self later when you have to pay for it.
Always like to wake up,check giveawayoftheday and see some thing by WONDERSHARE, then I know I am getting good software.
and yes I do sell their software only because I have used so much of it and stand behind it 100%.
Excellent giveaway GOTD and WONDERSHARE

Rob.C  –  14 years ago  –  Ritieni questo commento utile?  | no (+25)

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