Ogni giorno offriamo programmi GRATUITI che altrimenti dovresti comprare!
Wise Care 365 Pro 3.9.5 era disponibile come app gratuita il 18 gennaio 2016!
Proteggi e Velocizza il tuo PC con Wise Care 365 PRO adesso! Wise Care 365 Pro riesce a tenere il tuo al massimo delle sue prestazioni. Wise Care 365 Pro è un programma di manutenzione e ottimizzazione completo per Windows, che comprende il motore di scansione più veloce. Consiste in una serie di pulitori di registri, pulitori di dischi e altre utility di sistema per il tuo PC. Contiene tutte le caratteristiche dei programmi altamente apprezzati Wise Registry Cleaner e Wise Disk Cleaner, Wise Care 365 pulisce il disco e il registro, supporta il controllo del PC con un click, ottimizza il sistema e protegge la privacy. Tutto questo distingue Wise Care 365 da altre utility di manutenzione e ottimizzazione PC disponibili oggi. Facile da usare ed efficace, Wise Care 365 è la migliore soluzone per migliorare le prestazioni del tuo PC. Scarica Wise Care 365 e il tuo PC non rallenterà mai più di nuovo!
Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 2008/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64)
10.6 MB
Un programma facile da usare, che converte tutti i formati video con UN solo click o trascinandoli. Rende il passaggio tra dispositivi più flessibile.
Una comunità per la reciproca assistenza e condivisione di conoscenze. Condividi le tue conoscenze e ricevi premi in denaro.
Mantieni il tuo Dispositivo Android al Massimo delle Prestazioni. Analizza e rimuove in maniera sicura i file cache e file rsidui per liberare spazio nella memoria e migliorare le prestazioni del tuo smartphone.
Pulisci i file di registro e i file spazzatura dai tuoi PC. Proteggi la tua privacy e rendi i tuoi PC più veloci e più sicuri. Recupero di file facile da usare, ricerca file rapido in locale e altri tool utili gratuiti.
Ahhhhh, refreshingly cool. Just click the one and only download button to begin download. Self-registers upon installing. No hoops and no email. Just like the good ol' days.
Thank-you Wise Care! Well done.
I most certainly do not wish to "falsely accuse" WiseCleaner because of some strange coincidence, but two days ago I installed WiseCare365 shareware (w/o the "Pro") -- and since then I've had about 5-6 messages popping up from nowhere, from what seems to be users (?) asking for help with completely unrelated technical problems, and offering $2-$5 for solutions!
And frankly, while it may be a good idea for some, I don't recall ever allowing the installation of such a utility -- and I would certainly like to turn it off. If WiseCleaner is not responsible, I'd be more than happy to apologise. Absent a response within the next few hours, it may indicate a certain level of guilt....
Hopefully anyway, the Pro version would certainly not be pushing out other people's issues to distract users from their work. Since the box hangs around on the screen for about a minute, their problems become ours -- it gets in the way. And I don't know how to deal with it....
But since I now have WiseCare365Pro, I will uninstall the everyday-free version, and see if those "domestic problems" disappear!
From the Wise Care 365 website:
The ‘Wise Assistance’ section of Wise Care 365 is a community for mutual assistance and knowledge sharing on PC problems. Users can ask any questions about their computers, while our experts and other users with relevant knowledge, experience or techniques will answer these questions. Wise Care 365 holds millions of users across the world, so users can get faster and better solutions. It is a connection between users and experts to get faster and better solutions for computer problems.
So yes, this is a Wise Care feature. I had the program installed on a previous computer, and as far as I remember, I did manage to switch off this feature. Maybe see if you can find it in the Settings, otherwise you could try the forum.
In itself, I do like the philosophy behind a users help users system, but it should be an opt-in feature rather than opt-out.
When you see that popup window click on the settings icon on that window. That will take you to a window where you can uncheck those notification instructions. I, too, was annoyed by those messages and just this morning discovered how to disable them.
Today's giveaway appears to be the same giveaway last month under the name WindowsCareGenius Pro. Both are from TenorShare , program versions are both 3.9 with the exception of file version for today's giveaway is and the previous id Can someone please shed light on what the difference, if any, may be?
How does this compare to eg. Kerish Doctor 2016?
Kerish Doctor cleans out many more junk files and keeps the system drive from growing in size unnecessarily.
On the other hand today's download does cleanout areas that the above does not find.
It also is very useful for quickly finding very large files.
Have only just started to use this type of program and was forced into it when my boot times became unacceptable.
Kerish Doctor was particularly useful in this area where it reduced my boot time to one 10th of what it was previously.
As developers have come to understand Windows this type of program has changed from being a liability to being useful.
At the moment they are the only thing keeping my five year old install of XP functioning well.
Almeno su Windows XP service pack 3, dopo aver disinstallato il programma noto che restano nel registro di Windows le seguenti chiavi:
Non sarebbe poi cosi' grave, molti programmi lo fanno e non c'e' nessun problema in cio', ma:
1) Wise Care 365 dovrebbe essere un programma pensato proprio per rimuovere quel che dimenticano gli altri programmi di rimuovere durante la disinstallazione, sa di professore di matematica che sbaglia le moltiplicazioni;
2) cliccando col tasto destro del mouse su un file rimane visibile "Distruggi file/cartella"; questo, ripeto, anche dopo che il programma e' stato disinstallato.
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